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2 in 1 Brown Snake & Murky Jeans starring in video DirtyBetty ($23.99 ScatShop)

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
Staff member
Feb 4, 2021
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I still can’t answer the question of why I’m doing two whole cool clips in one video.
I just do not see the point in this, but my hands are reaching out to feed your poop-fetish desire!
I just want you to watch these videos!
The thought that you dream of putting your face under my huge warm fresh and incredibly fragrant load just drives me crazy …
I also hope that you want to see and feel how I put just an indecent pile of shit in my tight jeans, see how I crush this shit with my transparent panties, or maybe even want them to be on your face?
Or do you dream of cleaning my thighs from a thick layer of my feces with your tongue? These two brand-new clips in one video will give you some of my fragrant and warm moods!
Take care of yourself!
And have a great day, friend!
PS: BE in the DARK, and use headphones while watching, it will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of my “home” and enjoy the fantastic bubbling and chomping sounds of my fresh shit!

Categories: Panty/Jean Pooping, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing


The post 2 in 1 Brown Snake & Murky Jeans starring in video DirtyBetty ($23.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Extreme Scat Porn Site #1.

The post 2 in 1 Brown Snake & Murky Jeans starring in video DirtyBetty ($23.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Shitting Porn.

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