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APPETIZING OBEDIENCE TEST starring in video Mistress Gaia (21,99€ mistress-gaia.com)

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
Staff member
Feb 4, 2021
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Today I have one of my slaves that wants to be in contention to be my personal slave, and he’s very keen to please me. So I have him on his knees and he must do everything I tell him. I’m going to give myself a light manucure. I start with him having to wash my dirty feet and make sure they are perfectly clean. Then I gently cleaning my ears with cotton tips. When I’m finished I get my slave to lick the ends of the cotton tips. I’m sure he’ll enjoy the tase of the wax from my ears. I also decide to clip my nails and keep the clippings for later. I still have the bowl to hand with my dirty foot water. I’m going to fill it with everything from my manicure. I inform my slave he’s now going to be put to the test. I get the bowl and drop my nail clippings into it, also some hair from my hairbrush. Then it’s time for a pee as I place it on the floor, and fill it with my amber nectar. I tell my slave that to be considered for the position of becoming my personal slave he must drink everything that’s in the bowl. As he begins to drink my pee, he balks and tries to refuse. I warn him that he’d better not waste my time or I’ll punish him severely. To make his meal more appetising, I take the bowl and add some of my shit. Then tell him he must drink every last drop of the delicious cocktail I have made for him. As he struggles with the bowl at his mouth, I order him to drink. He will finish every last drop, as he fully understands the consequences of disobedience…

Format: MP4
Duration: 21 Min
Size: 352 Mb
Resolution: 1920×1080


The post APPETIZING OBEDIENCE TEST starring in video Mistress Gaia (21,99€ mistress-gaia.com) first appeared on Professional Scat Porn.

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