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Eat, enjoy shit because you my toilet starring in video Mistress/ Natalia Kapretti ($18.99 ScatShop)

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
Staff member
Feb 4, 2021
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Feel my power, fill your toilet mouth with my shit. Eat, savor, rejoice and enjoy, because you are my toilet. You will not only eat my shit, you will be my slave, my toy. You see these white panties, they’re all in shit, open your mouth, now you will be instead of washing machine. Try to suck, wash, so that they become white and clean again. Hurry up, you see I got my white socks dirty, now you need wash them too
1. Fill your toilet mouth with my shit
Come here toilet slave, lick my ass, she needs caress before she shits in your mouth. She’s got a surprise for you today, big pile of shit and… what is it, panties, my white panties. They’re covered in shit, but I know you wash them in your mouth. What divine smell of shit, come on start eating my shit, fill your toilet mouth
2. Feet in shit with socks and no
Oh, I want to shit so bad, I’m bursting. What relief to take a good shit. Now let’s play. I like play with my shit. What a warm, fragrant shit, oozes so pleasantly between my toes. Look what I have. These are white socks and I’m going to put them on and dip them in the shit. Look how dirty my feet are, sticky, smelly. I’m going to take these dirty socks off and put them in mail envelope and send to you. When you open envelope and get them, you will feel aroma of Natalia Kapretti

Format: MP4
Duration: 15 Min
Size: 1144 Mb
Resolution: 1920×1080

Download Eat, enjoy shit because you my toilet starring in video Mistress/ Natalia Kapretti ($18.99 ScatShop)

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