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Flight Attendants Piss & Shit with Fetidistrojp

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
Staff member
Feb 4, 2021
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For how many months, these women have taken everything their bosses could throw at them, but in this situation, they are finally going to punish them for it! They catch one of the men off guard and are then fast to strip off his clothes and wrap his entire body with plastic, rendering him completely helpless! Without further ado, they lay him on the floor and take turns sitting on his face and smothering him with their asses! Before long, they are able to grab the other guy and strip him as well before putting him beside the earlier victim! At this point, the dominatrixes concentrate their attention on the second guy and smother him with their asses, making it difficult for him to breathe and leaving him with no choice but to orally pleasure their assholes! Before long, their growing urges lead them to stomp all over the second victim while lashing all over his body with a whip! Eventually, the women secure the earlier slave to a contraption they have specially prepared! It resembles a seat and is placed underneath his mouth! After which, the dominatrixes take turns defecating into it, consequently funneling their poop into the slave’s mouth, leaving him with no choice but to chew and swallow their shit! The role of the second guy is to lick the women’s assholes clean!


The post Flight Attendants Piss & Shit with Fetidistrojp first appeared on Copro Porn Site #1.

The post Flight Attendants Piss & Shit with Fetidistrojp first appeared on Shitting Porn.

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