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Laney Grey, Jessica Ryan - Five More Minutes 06.02.2021 MommysGirl.com, GirlsWay.com


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Feb 4, 2021
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Laney Grey is sound to the world as her stepmother, Jessica Ryan, tries to get her out of bed to catch the bus for school. Laney has already missed the bus TWICE that week, so Jessica attempts to lure Laney out of bed with the promise of freshly-cooked bacon. However, Laney's not sold as she simply rolls over. There's no doubt Laney will miss her bus and Jessica has to accept defeat for that day. But she's already planning how to tackle this problem the NEXT morning.
The next morning, Laney STILL won't get up on time. Jessica makes silly barking sounds, pretending that she got Laney a new pet but Laney doesn't budge. Jessica is stunned beyond belief but has one more trick up her sleeve for the following morning.
The next morning, with Laney still sound to the world, Jessica decides to go all in. She sits down on the edge of Laney's bed and leans in close, promising that if Laney gets out of bed, she'll give her stepdaughter what she's always wanted: sex! But will it FINALLY be enough to get Laney's lazy butt up??

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