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Mara Foregoes Exercise in Favor of Masturbating 07.02.2021 MyPreggo.com


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Feb 4, 2021
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At 30 weeks pregnant, practicing tai chi is one way Mara passes the time. It`s not only a way for her to get in some light exercise, it also has a calming effect that she believes is good for her and her unborn baby. She`s going through her usual motions when she falls to the floor in exhaustion, giggling as she hits the rug underneath her. Tai chi isn`t so easy with her big belly so she cuts her routine short to relax a different way, slowly stripping naked to play with her pregnant body. Knowing you`re watching excites this knocked-up cutie, and she holds nothing back as she moves to the sofa and begins to touch herself, legs akimbo as she rubs her sensitive clit. You can see and hear how wet she is as she plunges her fingers in and out of her shaved pussy, her cries of pleasure growing ever louder as she inches towards orgasm. You won`t find a single blemish on her radiant skin as she continues to masturbate, fingering herself every which way until she reaches an intense climax! This adorable teen certainly isn`t shy and has no qualms about showing you every inch of her nude body.

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