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MissMortelle – Used as a Toilet by 2 Older Girls (Scat & GS) ($24.99 ScatShop)

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
Staff member
Feb 4, 2021
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My girlfriend and I invited a younger guy from our school to our house because we want to fuck with him. We promised him sex and instead we’re going to humiliate him and use him as our toilet! He’s all shy and doesn’t quite know what to say. We ask him a few questions and quickly find out that he has no sexual experience at all. We take our victim into the bathroom and explain to him that it is a thing to have sex in different places. Yara takes him in the headlock and I tell him to stick out his tongue so he can learn how oral sex works. We make him lick my armpits. Next is my butt hole. This little loser will definitely never lick my pussy, I just want to make fun of him! He resists at first, but then I push his face between my ass cheeks and make him to lick. Finally, he has to lick the toilet seat for us. This is definitely not how he imagined to have sex with two older girls… We push his head into the toilet & I sit on his neck, so that he can’t get his head out of the toilet. Yara flushes the toilet and we laugh our heads off. Since the toilet is occupied & it is quite urgent for me, I piss all over his head…. Next we make him lie down under the toilet. Yara places her ass right over his face. She will now poop directly into his mouth and I will male sure that he opens his mouth. Then it’s my turn and I also shit into his mouth. We are both shocked that our victim us actually turned on by our shit. Sadly his first sexual experience was not as traumatic as we had hoped.


The post MissMortelle – Used as a Toilet by 2 Older Girls (Scat & GS) ($24.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Extreme Scat Porn Site #1.

The post MissMortelle – Used as a Toilet by 2 Older Girls (Scat & GS) ($24.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Shitting Porn.

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