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Mistress Anna – Shit Licker

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
Staff member
Feb 4, 2021
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Now I’m going to turn my back to you so you can see it all coming out of my asshole. And remember, there will be a lot in there now after a day and a half. For several moments nothing happened, then slowly her asshole began to blossom out to reveal the brown tip of her shit. Slowly her shit crawled out, more and more coming out. Mistress Anna watching between her legs, saw that her turd was tremendous in size and moved her butt around a little to curl it across the plate. When Mistress Anna squeezed out the last of her shit, she turned around to his slave, I think it is time for you to taste a lady’s asshole now. Lick my ass clean! You had better get used to that taste, you will be doing a whole lot of that in the months to come, Mistress Anna promised his slave. So you be a nice little boy now, and lick my dirty asshole. Slave`s tongue began to lap around in her Mistress’s asshole, that wrinkled up pucker placed low in the crack. He finally had to let his breath out and was surprised that the smell was nearly gone, but that acrid/bitter taste remained in his mouth. Get your mouth down on that shit and take a big bite, and remember, don’t you dare throw it up. Better still, I want to see you licking my shit. Lick it from one end to the other, back and forth, up the sides and back down on the other side.

Mistress_Anna_Shit_Licker.mp4 – 124.99 MB

The post Mistress Anna – Shit Licker first appeared on Professional Scat Porn.

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