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ModelNatalya94 – Rubber dick and piss shit ($15.99 ScatShop)

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
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Feb 4, 2021
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I’m Caroline and Alice decided to have some fun to give you a hot show of three friends . I invited friends to strip naked and walk into the room . In the room on the floor, I fixed the rubber member to the floor , we sat on the floor and the first of us came to the rubber member Carolina, Carolina got cancer on the colonies and began to caress the rubber member with her tongue, Carolina caressed the rubber member with her lips Oh my God how she does it , after the caresses mouth Carolina turned to the video camera ass and introduced herself a rubber member between her legs and began to jump on it as a rider on a horse , dick . Alice came to Carolina and began to shit and piss on Carolina back on the back of Carolina began to drain a trickle of urine Carolina without stopping continued to ride on the rubber dick , Alice went to the toilet at the back of his girlfriend , then Alice sit your ass down on his shit and began to smear the shit on the back of Carolina his booty , but we are not enough , we kiss with Alice and Alice continues to smear shit on the back of Carolina already with her big Tits , Alice all in shit as well as Carolina . Then it was my turn now, I caress the rubber member of the lips tongue one word you take it in your mouth . After fondling the rubber member of the lips , I sit down on the rubber cock from the top and insert it between your legs and start jumping on it like a rider on a horse , Oh Yes, God is high , then I change position and again enter the rubber dick honey feet , at this point, comes up to me Carolina and shits and pisses on my belly I can feel a stream of urine runs down my body , she’s so hot . After Carolina went to the toilet on my naked body , Caroline sits down on top of me and smears the shit on my body my ass it’s just a thrill , well, that it came to Alice , Alice enters her pussy rubber dick and starts to ride him like a cowgirl on a horse . And Karolina and I are watching this process Alice enters in her cunt rubber cock deeper and deeper , after Alice played with her pussy I shit and piss on his girlfriend on the back of Alice drains urine from me and released a large amount of shit because I very much wanted the toilet , I eased her friend and then I sit on a bunch of shit on top and start to smear the shit on the back and the ass of Alice , Yes my shit is so hot it’s just a thrill . We’re three friends and we’re all in the shit we like to play with our shit .


The post ModelNatalya94 – Rubber dick and piss shit ($15.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Extreme Scat Porn Site #1.

The post ModelNatalya94 – Rubber dick and piss shit ($15.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Shitting Porn.

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