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ModelNatalya94 – Two bitches in a blue dress

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
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Feb 4, 2021
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Good night, our dear fans, fans and just those who came to spend time with us and may go with us further, with our videos, because there are a lot of them and they are all exclusive in their own way. In this video Carolina Mistress, she has two dogs Yana and Marina and who serve her, whom she leads on aa leashes, showing their asses and hanging boobs. Caroline takes turns driving her obedient dogs, then she shit in a dog bowl and the dogs ate it. Then the dogs themselves defecated in a bowl and Mrs. Carolina made Jan and Carolina eat a mixture of all the shit. Obedient dogs ate shit from a bowl and their faces were aa dirty. When they bent over their asses stuck out and this gave Carolina the idea to fuck them. She put her slaves on the floor with cancer, Jan’s dog brought her phalos in her teeth and Mistress Carolina fucked aa them in the ass. The rest of the mixture of shit and urine Carolina poured into the mouth of Yana and aaaa Marina. Here is such a wonderful video with Mrs. Carolina and two dogs, Yana and Marina, I am adding today for you. This is our archive, in which we have kept many more great and exclusive videos for you, our aaaa beloved! Happy viewing!

AVC | 1920×1080 | 8496 kb/s
AAC LC | 44.1 kHz | 192 kb/s
MP4 | 00:14:43 | 917 MB

Download Tw99ss.mp4 from takefile.link (916.50 MB)

The post ModelNatalya94 – Two bitches in a blue dress first appeared on Professional Scat Porn.

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