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Nicole – I’m a beautiful Goddess and you two pathetic worms! Pray to me! LickingGirlsFeet.com


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Feb 4, 2021
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The girls are so obsessed and in awe of Nicole, they want to do anything to prove how submissive they are to her. They start bowing down to her.
Nicole: properly bow down, with your foreheads to the floor as if you are greeting your God. Actually I like the sound of that. Pray to me, to allow you in my presence.
While they pray she puts one foot heel on each head with her bare soles facing the camera. She laughs, relaxed, and smokes her cigarette.
Nicole: keep going. I want to you to make me believe that I am your God. Or I will just leave you behind.
Nicole: Good job, you have now earned the incredible reward of kissing and licking the sweat off my feet. The one who does the best job will have the even bigger honour of eating my cigarette. The loser will just get spit instead. We can’t all be winners in life.
After she chooses the winner, and they swallow her cigarette and spit, she tells them to lie on the floor and puts each foot on one of their faces.
Nicole: See this why my face has no pimples and yours is covered, I don’t beg to receive sweaty feet on my face all day long. I guess we are just born different.
She calls her friend and ignores them.
Nicole: Did you know that apparently some people in this world think I am their God? I know it’s crazy, right? You don’t believe me? One second. Covers the phone: Hey idiots, start saying your prayers, and it better be convincing. Here listen to this.
She laughs with her friends about how pathetic they sound.
Nicole: Ok footlickers.
She slaps both in the face.
Nicole: Don’t look at me in the eyes! You think we are on the same level? You should not even think of looking above my ankle. You are little ants to me. If I had to lick feet like you two I would sick of myself. Kiss some more you disgusting pigs.
Nicole: ok enough, youve earned the privilege of experiencing what a Goddess tastes like. You may each kiss each cheek and thank me each time. And you can also spit on each other’s ugly faces.
Nicole: Ok, you both past the test I will allow you to remain as my footstool and slaves. I will spit a bunch on the floor and you will race against each other to try and drink the most of it.

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