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padronagaia – 248 – MISTRESS GAIA – COMPLETE WC ($19.99 ScatShop)

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
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Feb 4, 2021
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A male slave lies strictly restrained on the floor. You urinate and defecate onto a diaper on the floor. You start to feed the caviar to the slave with the spoon very relentlessly and ruthlessly. Near the end you step with you boot into the remaining caviar and make the slave eat it from the soles. Additionally you spit in slap into his face. Lastly you order the slave to lay his face into the remaining caviar and you tightly fasten the diaper around his head and you untie him and parade him around on a leash like a dog. Pls. be strict & cruel the whole time.

Ti prego , Mistress Gaia , di pisciare e cagare su un pannolino. Poi ,con un cucchiaio, boccone dopo boccone, sfami lo schiavo con l’essenza di sadismo e crudelta’ che solo TU possiedi. Con lo stivale, calpesti la merda, e fai leccare tutto allo schiavo in modo da ripulire la pregiata calzatura, mentre ti diverti a schiaffeggiarlo e sputargli addosso. Ordini allo schiavo di poggiare il suo viso sul pannolino, leghi il pannolino alla sua testa, lo agganci al guinzaglio, e lo porti a spasso come un cagnolino.
Per favore, ti prego essere severa e crudele per tutto il tempo.


The post padronagaia – 248 – MISTRESS GAIA – COMPLETE WC ($19.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Extreme Scat Porn Site #1.

The post padronagaia – 248 – MISTRESS GAIA – COMPLETE WC ($19.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Shitting Porn.

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