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Sherry’s shitty footing, foot worship and eating starring in video MsSherryBells ($14.99 ScatShop)

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
Staff member
Feb 4, 2021
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This epic from Ms Sherry’s filth emporium will cater for many a kinksters need.
With a delightful mixture of foot worship, brutal footing, squirting, spunking, shit eating and spunk eating. The camera centres around Ms Sherry’s beautiful feet and features subby pleasuring them with all his worth in full close up HD.
In this film subby worships Ms Sherry’s beautiful red high heels licking sucking and kissing them the devotion is clear as they are removed to reveal Sherry’s beautiful bare toes and subby licks and devours these also.
Things really hot up in this vid naughty Sherry then tries to bury her size 8’s deep into poor subby’s tight little cunt, heeling and toeing it with all her might.
Desperate to get the whole shoe in and desperate to please his queen subby even removes the shoe in a bin to get the whole fucker in his arse.
Sherry has other ideas, taking advantage of the removed shoe she then goes for gold and rams her luscious tootsie right up subs delicate pussy, only leaving the tip of her heel exposed.
Watch in ore as nasty Sherry then kicks fuck out of poor subbies cunt making him uncontrollably squirt as he anally orgasms, shooting jets of cummy piss into the air and shitting all over Sherry’s foot in a display that wouldn’t look out of place alongside the Trevi Fountain.
This is an awesome show of uncontrollable forced ejaculation watch as Sherry times her thrusts perfectly working against subs anal convulsions, in an unrelenting gut wrenching anal orgasm fest.
Spent and completely fucked subby then makes good and sucks and licks Sherry’s shitty foot cleaning up the mess she just made him create.
In a final act of humiliation Sherry makes sub masturbate and drain the last few drops of spunk out of his knackered useless cock and allows him to sperm onto her foot.
Of course Sherry doesn’t want his filthy seed violating her beautiful skin and so she makes him lick and suck his devilish poison from her foot.
This is a gorgeously seductive film that has something for everyone and will especially please the foot worshippers out there.
Its a long clip so sit back get comfy and enjoy the spectacle.

Format: MP4
Duration: 20 Min
Size: 1416 Mb
Resolution: 1920×1080


The post Sherry’s shitty footing, foot worship and eating starring in video MsSherryBells ($14.99 ScatShop) first appeared on Professional Scat Porn.

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