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Smelly Milana – One of the best meetings with Christina! Poo19.com


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Feb 4, 2021
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This video can also be called – “Christina bombed my mouth today” – you must hear it! Christina called me and asked – “are we meeting today?” On this day, I did not plan a meeting and her call was unexpected, but I did not find the courage to refuse her, as I love being her toilet. I asked her – is it possible to postpone the meeting until tomorrow? She replied – “no, I have not gone to the toilet for 2 days and drank a lot of alcohol yesterday.” From her voice, I understood that she was in a bad mood and her ass was filled with nectar, which I love so much, and she would not endure until tomorrow. She also refused to wait 4 hours and I had to act immediately. It was Sunday, and I know that on Friday and Saturday she likes to go to various establishments and pamper her tummy with delicious dishes. Later, when she arrived, I found out that this weekend she really had a great time and now her ass has to unload all this, of course, my mouth will be glad to take it all! At first, Christina, as usual, beat me with a whip, this time not hard, as she really really wanted to shit faster. I sat with my back against the wall. Christina turned her back to me, I parted her buttocks and opened my mouth in front of her anus. She said – “are you catching?” As soon as I had time to say yes, and from her sweet hole, a powerful stream filled my mouth with shit. My mouth was completely filled to the throat, today the shit was liquid, I tried to swallow a little, but I could not close my mouth, as it was starting to fall from my face, and I didn’t want the process to look dirty and tried to do everything neatly. I lifted my head up hard to keep the shit from falling on my chest. The sound of the farting was really powerful, and it was evident from Christina’s face that she was ecstatic. She said – “What a thrill it is!” She completely unloaded into my mouth and now my task is to take it into myself as quickly as possible, since Christina does not like the smell of shit and I must make this process as comfortable as possible for her. The process went quickly, Christina even praised me later, when we finished filming and said – “today you did everything quickly, well done” and went home, leaving her nectar in my stomach. 💩

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