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~BDSMmania | Extremley painfull humilliation~


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Feb 19, 2021
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BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

BDSMmania_Nyxon & Irene... Crime Syndicate Showdown

Irene is hiding behind a door & puts her ear piece in. "I'm up on comms now. The GPS is still jammed, though. But, I don't need backup. Target is in sight & we'll wipe their operation clean". Irene takes a breath to compose herself as she peeks around the door & sees her target, Nyxon, completely oblivious & lost in her work on the computer. Irene moves into the room with trained precison. She's on Nyxon befor she knows what's happening, and locks her in a hold. Nyxon, in shock, struggles wildly & manages to kick herself free. But as she stumbles around to get her bearings, Irene makes her big move. Irene thinks about securing the hostage, but realizes she doesn't have much time. She grabs the computer & quickly starts typing & searching until she finds what she's looking for. She begins to upload to the cloud, when Nyxon sneaks up behind her grabs her arms & starts tying them together. Nyxon quickly gets Irene all tied up in her ropes, and asks her exactly how much info she's been able to upload to the cloud. Nyxon finshes off the tie, then gropes Irene's huge tits over her top while placing her hand over her mouth. Nyxon pulls Irene's top open while asking her if she's going to cooperate. Irene goes off on Nyxon when she removes her handgag & Nyxon quickly places her hand over Irene's mouth again. She unclasps Irene's bra revealing her huge tits giving her a nice good grope. Irene finally relents giving Nyxon the password, and Nyxon leaves while telling her that hopefully her friends will be along soon to untie her.

Featuring: Nyxon, Irene Silver
File Size : 1.63 GB
Runtime : 15 min 26 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Nyxon & Irene... Crime Syndicate Showdown.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Nyxon & Stella Elle... Double Crossed By Her Co-Worker

Nyxon & Stella are working late at the office, when a man enters (POV) demanding that they hand over top secret information. He hustles them into the break room, then commands Nyxon to tie up Stella. Stella tells her fine, to just do it so that they can get it all over with. Nyxon complies & then, as directed, wraps duct tape over Stella's mouth & around her head. She unbuttons Stella's blouse, exposing her bra & gives her a good grope. Then, Nyxon looks at the camera & says, "Is that good enough, baby?". Stella gasps realizing that Nyxon was in on it the whole time. Nyxon laughs in Stella's face while telling her that her & her mean are taking the important documents & leaving her tied up in the office over the weekend.

Featuring: Nyxon, Stella Elle
File Size : 1.30 GB
Runtime : 12 min 17 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Nyxon & Stella Elle... Double Crossed By Her Co-Worker.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Nyxon & Sushii... Ditzy Secretary Makes Wrong Move

Ditzy secretary Sushii thought she'd catch up with some of her office work over the weekend, so she grabbed on of the company's laptops while on her way out. Unfortunately for Sushii, the laptop she grabbed was full of top secret info about the company. Needing to get that laptop back before she Sushii sees what it on it, Nyxon stealthily follows her home to confront her. Of course Sushii plays dumb when questioned, so Nyxon decides to exact some extra security measures. She ties Sushii up (off screen), then give her a nice, tight & wide otm gag with vet wrap. She grabs the laptop on her way out telling Sushii that her goon will be around later to collect her.

Featuring: Nyxon, Sushii
File Size : 1.10 GB
Runtime : 10 min 26 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Nyxon & Sushii... Ditzy Secretary Makes Wrong Move.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Strictly hogtied in her sexy white boots and made to cum

Carmen Valentina stomps the heels of her over the knee boots to the floor, her ankles bound with rope. She shifts her body on the cot while struggling and moaning with a ballgag. Her chest is harnessed with rope, pinning her upper arms. She pulls at her tightly bound wrists while trying to loosen her ankles by steadily kicking them. The Hunter has her lay on the cot and shoves a Hitachi vibrator up her black vinyl mini skirt. She protests and struggles, jolting her hips in an effort to knock the vibe loose. He wraps a rope around her waist securing the vibe, pulling it taut up her backside into a crotch rope. She moans heavily with wide eyes as the vibe presses hard against her pussy. He binds her legs above her knees as she wails through an orgasm. He maneuvers the bound and cumming beauty onto her stomach, pulling her ankles back, and roping her into a hogtie. The weight of her body pushes the vibe even more, guaranteeing a good time for moaning damsel. She spreads her finger and clasps them as she works towards another orgasm. Using a leather strap flogger, the Hunter cracks her ass causing her to yelp with her moans. Later he rocks her onto her side and pulls her breasts out from her bodysuit as she cries out with humiliation.He leaves her to endure her tight binds and continuous orgasms.

Featuring: Carmen Valentina
File Size : 444 MB
Runtime : 10 min 5 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Strictly hogtied in her sexy white boots and made to cum.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

BDSMmania_Breast bound and tied to the inquisition chair for intense bound

In a red satin blouse and black leather skirt, Carissa Dumond frantically cries out past the ball gag strapped deep in her mouth. Her arms have been pulled behind her and rope tightly binds her wrists around a post of the inquisition chair she is seated on. The Hunter enters, slams her elbows together, and binds them as Carissa belts out muffled pleas. He unbuttons her blouse, exposing her ample breasts before tying her ankles secure to the platform. She struggles and arches her body, watching everything he does. Using a thin cord, he harnesses her chest to the post while drool runs down her chin. He grabs another cord, secures it to the harness and proceeds to wrap one end around her left breast. Every wrap around gets pulled tighter, making her breast bulge as she winces and squeals. He grips her right breast firmly, starts pulling the cord very taut around it, over and over, cinching it once they are both aching, bulging globes. He takes a Hitachi vibrating wand and binds it in place between her thighs, pressed hard against her pussy. Her moans soon turn to cries again as he ties a black cord around her throat that has been tethered thru an eye bolt. The damsel is enjoying the vibe buzzing her clit, but is panic stricken as he cranks the bolt, slowly pulling the cord on her throat tighter. Now fully secure and unable to move, the Hunter removes her gag as she gasps and tells him how tight it is. He knows she likes it though she tries to be demure about it. He sits beside her and presses the vibe in harder while she moans louder and continuous. He smacks and squeezes her taut tits as she yelps and plunges into a screaming orgasm. He presses on and another huge orgasm is on it's way as she goes from speechless to screaming and shaking, cumming hard. He leaves the vibe going, tightens her throat a little more and another insane orgasm hits her leaving her a stuttering, cussing mess as she screams on top of her lungs. Carissa is laughing, crying, cumming and doesn't know how to handle it all, but is having blast in the experience.

Featuring: Carissa Dumond
File Size : 606 MB
Runtime : 13 min 45 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Breast bound and tied to the inquisition chair for intense bound.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Her cruelly bound tits are then ziptied & stretched up to the ceiling

Busty milf Carissa Dumond cries out with a black ball gag strapped deep in her mouth. She stomps her silver ankle boots to the floor with tightly bound ankles. Her elbows crushed together and roped tight along with her wrists are hanging over the back of the chair as she struggles. She screams frantically as the Hunter approaches and pulls her breasts out of electric blue spandex bodysuit. Her brow furrows as he uses thin cord to harness her chest. Pulling her tits tight, he winds the cord around each breast excruciatingly taut while she winces and squeals. She continues to struggle in the chair, stretching her arms back. The Hunter returns with zipties and rope, tethering the rope to one ziptie and pulling it tightly around her tit. He attaches a steel bar to the winch and threads the rope through it, tying it to the next ziptie that will squeeze down on her other tit. She cries out in protest, looking up at the bar. He stands her up, adjusts the rope to make sure it is pulled taut and and begins to stretch her high by her breasts as she stumbles to keep balance from the pull. He spins her around to watch herself in a full length mirror, taunting her by pressing the button to pull bit by bit. She screams and clasps her hands tight. He pulls her wrists back, ties them off to a wall hook and begins to spank her with a leather paddle as she yelps. Carissa struggles to keep still, pulling more on her aching tits. As he removes her gag she gasps with a smile, confessing this is why she comes to the lair. She thoroughly enjoys the Hunter treatment; tight ties, spankings, breast torment, and helplessness.

Featuring: Carissa Dumond
File Size : 680 MB
Runtime : 15 min 23 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Her cruelly bound tits are then ziptied & stretched up to the ceiling.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Sinister suspended hogtie

Rachel Adams gets dragged into the lair by the Hunter, her elbows and wrists crushed and bound behind her. She protests, but layers of black electrical tape have been wrapped tight around her head, sealing her mouth shut. He leads her to a bench to sit while he binds her ankles. She thrashes, jerking at her arms while trying to free herself. He tells her to hush and unzips her blouse. Rachel continues to struggle, kicking her legs out and up, swinging her arms around, desperately trying to reach a rope. Her eyes widen as he grabs more rope and ties her knees together. He stands her up, spins her and lays her onto the bench on her stomach. Bending her legs, he hooks her ankle binding to the winch. With another rope, he joins her wrists to her ankles, securing the damsel into a hogtie. He presses to the control, slowly pulling her up into a heavy arch. He inches her more and more until fully bowed. With one last press she is suspended and contracts her abs before releasing back into her intense arch. She spins in a back breaking hogtie and he removes the bench. She fights hard to endure her suspended predicament and eventually he puts the bench back beneath her. Lowering down just enough so the she barely touches it, but is still stretched in a high arch. She is left with glaring eyes and a lasting painful stretch.

Featuring: Rachel Adams
File Size : 482 MB
Runtime : 10 min 57 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Sinister suspended hogtie.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Atomic Age MILF Lovelies Sandra & Caroline Set Out to Swing, Shackle & O in their Shapwear!

Polkadots and pointed toes poised above the ground, as Sandra hangs out on the patio of this Californian hous of servitude. Today her every desire will be catered for to order - but by whom, we may well wonder. Caroline Pierce struts into the green acres of suburbia, in an Atomic Age retro bra and bottom girdle of glowing yellow, spottd just as Sandra's on red lingerie is so adorned. Both shapely MILF marvel has black sheer stockings pulled thigh high, held aloft at that temptingly smooth flesh by garters. Now Carolines and her sister slave Sandra speak a language only a few can decifer, the pleasingly muffled gag-speak of a drool soaked rubber ball strapped between red lips. Silver haired Sandra spreads her legs less by choice, more by restraint, as her wrists strain above her head... leather shackles and cuffs keep limbs stretched securely. There is an eager warmth about this beauty, a needful, yearning heat, that will only be satisfied - for now - by Caroline's implement of choice. A vibrator to stimulate Sandra's clitoris, and oh my does the strapped up stunner go off like a rocket released! ;-)

Featuring: Sandra Silvers, Caroline Pierce
File Size : 386 MB
Runtime : 9 min 38 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Atomic Age MILF Lovelies Sandra & Caroline Set Out to Swing, Shackle & O in their Shapwear!.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Brat vs. Her Timer Typo

Brat couldn't wait to try out her new Magbound restraint system. After doing a few tests to make sure everything was working, she was ready to secure herself in it. Since this was just a test, she only set the timer for ten minutes. Using anchors already in place, Brat connected her ankle and wrist cuffs in a spreadeagle position. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the metal plate to the magnet. With a click, her fate was sealed for much longer than 10 minutes, but she didn't know it yet. In her excitement, she programmed the timer to release 10 minutes and 1 day. Her only hope of early release is the battery dying quickly.

Featuring: Brat
File Size : 258 MB
Runtime : 12 min 46 s
Resolution : 1280x720
Format video: MP4


Brat vs. Her Timer Typo.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

BDSMmania_Sugar vs. Her Long Weekend

Now that Sugar has finished washing the floor, her long weekend continues. She's untied and put into cuffs and a steel collar for her next ordeal. Tethered to the floor, she's told to unwrap the vetwrap for her mummificaiton. Not knowing what to expect, Sugar is nervous but knows the terms of our arrangement. Once she's wrapped, I pull out a couple of surprises for her. Already anxious about how tight the wrap is, her collar is locked to the floor with a short chain. All hope of escape is now erased. Her final surprised a nipple clamp tree. Clover clamps pinch her nipples as a dial pulls them tighter and tighter. In her helpless state, no amount of struggle will knock them free.

Featuring: Sugar
File Size : 284 MB
Runtime : 14 min 1 s
Resolution : 1280x720
Format video: MP4


Sugar vs. Her Long Weekend.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Calisa vs. Her Futile Escape

Nothing gets Calisa more revved up than tight, inescapable bondage. Knowing her proclivity for escape, I opted for zip ties, knowing she wouldn't have a chance. Despite her gagged protests, I knew she was really loving every minute. What she was really hoping for was some quality time with the magic wand, as it had been days since she'd had an orgasm. When the time was right, her wish was granted, and the wand was zip-tied in just the right spot. It's only a matter of time, that is unless someone shuts off the power a little too soon.

Featuring: Calisa
File Size : 316 MB
Runtime : 15 min 40 s
Resolution : 1280x720
Format video: MP4


Calisa vs. Her Futile Escape.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Luna vs. Her Pleasure Timeout

To many, strapped down and left utterly helpless would be terrifying, but not for Luna. For her, it is pure heaven. The pump gag is simply the cherry on top. Even after being told she'd be there for at least a few hours, it only excited her more. So, with her already excited, her gag is pumped up, filling her mouth, only leaving moans of pleasure behind. Luna's fun really begins when the wand is turned on. She's desperate to press against it harder, but the belts hold her back. **** to slowly smolder to orgasm, she starts to question if agreeing to be kept like this for hours was wise.

Featuring: Luna
File Size : 314 MB
Runtime : 15 min 30 s
Resolution : 1280x720
Format video: MP4


Luna vs. Her Pleasure Timeout.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Willow vs. Her Pleasure Grind

Everything has a price, and Willow's orgasms were no exception. She was going to have to work for them. To ensure there isn't any cheating, she's tied to poles with a wand hanging from the ceiling. In her bound position, all she can do is grind against the wand, which only seems to tease her more. Once it's clear the predicament is driving her insane, she's offered some help. That too comes at a price, but at this point, Willow will pay anything to get what she wants.

Featuring: Willow
File Size : 320 MB
Runtime : 15 min 48 s
Resolution : 1280x720
Format video: MP4


Willow vs. Her Pleasure Grind.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Bella Trix vs. The Game

Bella's in for a special treat today, she just doesn't know it yet. After tying her with rope, TENS pads and nipple clamps are added. These two elements will play a role in the game ahead. The game itself is simple once it is started. A computer starts the TENS unit and will increment the power by one every 30 seconds. If at any point the electricity becomes too much, she can pause it for 30 seconds by pulling hard on her nipple clamps. It doesn't take long before Bella is struggling to pick the lesser of two evils. Worse, even as she postpones the shocks, the power levels keep increasing, making her dread the TENS even more. She'll have to endure until the power level hits 50, but lucky for Bella, I started the power at 25.

Featuring: Bella Trix
File Size : 307 MB
Runtime : 15 min 13 s
Resolution : 1280x720
Format video: MP4


Bella Trix vs. The Game.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

BDSMmania_It's my turn now to tease your helpless pussy

Thick and curvy Scarlett Venom sits and struggles with her ankles bound to the legs of the chair. Her wrists have been bound behind her over head and around a pole behind her. Whimpering, wondering how she got in this position. She soon realizes though as Bailey Paige waltzes in with a gleeful smile, excited to play with Scarlett. She strokes her body and pulls the the strap tethered around Scarlett's neck, admiring her. She presses the Hitachi vibe to Scarlett's pussy, grinding it in while pulling the strap taut. Scarlett moans with deep desire enjoying the vibrations pulsating her clit. Bailey turns the vibe off just as she's about to orgasm and Scarlett whines. She removes the ballgag from Scarlett's drooling mouth and turns the vibe back on as Scarlett gasps and smiles. She bites her lip and rolls her eyes back aching to cum while Bailey plays with the speeds. Bailey brings her right to the edge again and pulls it away, this is payback for the teasing pleasure she previously received. Bailey hops on her lap, straddling Scarlett and wedges the vibe for both of them to enjoy. Scarlett gasps and moans more as Bailey rides the vibe between their pussies. She continues on and off with the breathplay action as Scarlett cums hard, her body shaking. Bailey gets off of Scarlett, puts the strap in her hand to control her breath, and pulls out her big, bouncy tits. Bailey grinds the vibe on high into Scarlett's sensitive pussy working out a couple more mind blowing orgasms back to back. She leaves Scarlett with her eyes fluttering and catching her breath, moaning in delight. Scarlett enjoyed being the domme to Bailey, but is very pleased the tables got turned.

Featuring: Scarlett Venom, Bailey Paige
File Size : 410 MB
Runtime : 9 min 18 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


It's my turn now to tease your helpless pussy.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Could you help tied me up with these rubber bands I think it will be hot

Natalie sits on the floor in the living room excitedly opening the package of heavy rubber bands. The Hunter had ordered them as a little experiment into using different mediums to bind his wenches. Natalie was so happy that he chose her to experiment with. She was so excited that she couldn't even wait for the Hunter to come back. She pulls open her leather vest to expose her big natural tits. Grabs a few of the thicker rubber bands she stretches one and slips it over her breast. The band bites deep into the soft flesh around the base of her boob but it just doesn't seem tight enough, so she adds another rubber band over the first one. The two rubber bands seem tighter so if two is good more should be better. She grabs more bands of different gauges and binds both of her breasts with the tight band of rubber biting deep into the soft flesh around both of her tits causing her breast to mushroom out and swell up like two ripe melons. ...

Featuring: Natalie Charm
File Size : 616 MB
Runtime : 14 min 0 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Could you help tied me up with these rubber bands I think it will be hot.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Trio of Bound Broads Made to Orgasm, Straddling Bench Seat Back-to-Back, AOH, MILF Mouths Packed with Pantyhose Gags!

Seated upright, their ankles bound to the bench they sit on and arms over head, tied wiith wrists behind their heads, the sexy Sandra, Lisa, and Amanda struggle and squirm. Their muffled moans from pantyhose gags packed tightly in their mouths are lovely as they grunt, groan, and call for help. But a lovelier sight is that of the sexy damsels dressed in nothing but bras and pantyhose! Their breasts jiggle against the tight chest tie as they try to escape, their bound feet flailing uselessly as they realise their restricted predicament is set. Soon, after several moments of struggling, their captor comes in - ready to inspect the disgruntled damsels! He gropes their breasts over their bra, plays with the crotch of their sheer pantyhose, and enjoys the sight of the trio trying to escape. Next he decides to really have some fun with them! One at a time, he takes a vibrator to their most sensitive spot, removing the gags so he can enjoy the sounds of the women cumming again and again. But that's not all! After going down the line of ladies, he attaches a vibrator to each one so they're made to climax continually with no reprieve. Satisfied, he unties the ankles of one bound damsel and leads her away, leaving the other two to continue their escape - and their cumming!

Featuring: Sandra Silvers, Lisa Harlotte, Amanda Foxx
File Size : 505 MB
Runtime : 12 min 35 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Trio of Bound Broads Made to Orgasm, Straddling Bench Seat Back-to-Back, AOH, MILF Mouths Packed with Pantyhose Gags!.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Massive Mammaried MILF Workmates Stay Late in the Office - Hobbled & Hoodwinked by Their Colleagues Pantyhose!

Squirming, struggling, Sandra Silvers and Nyxon sit on the floor as Ami Mercury and Lisa Harlotte tie them up. The two work quietly, ignoring the grunts and groans from their cleave gagged colleagues as they continue to restrain them with nylon pantyhose. First their ankles, then just above their knees'it looks like they are going to be totally trapped by the pantyhose ties! With Sandra and Nyxon secured back-to-back by the stockings, all they can do is protest behind the pantyhose cleave gags and beg for freedom. Ami and Lisa are loving this though! 'Feisty..' Ami observes. 'It's that attitude that got you here in the first place! Very unprofessional..' The pantyhose ties continue to be added up their legs and around their upper thighs. Satisfied by the struggling in their stockinged confines, Ami and Lisa step back to watch them. Lisa has an idea, though! Pulling open a desk drawer, she produces yet another pair of pantyhose'and with the help of Ami places them over the pleading damsel's heads! First Sandra, receiving the pantyhose hood (and an additional cleave gag from the legs of it), before the same is done to Nyxon. 'We should do something else before we leave,' muses Ami...
The two stride back to the stocking bound pair, pulling at their blouses and unbuttoning them until their bras are exposed! They continue to protest behind their cleave gags, but it doesn't sway their captors. Lisa even pulls down Sandra's bra, exposing her breasts completely, before giving them a brief grope! After a final check, the two leave for lattes as the couple continues to struggle. Sandra's breasts bounce as she squirms, and Nyxon tries her best to pull against the pantyhose. The camera gets nice and close as they do, letting you watch as they wiggle and squirm in their states of stockinged struggles. Will they ever be released?

Featuring: Sandra, Lisa, Nyxon, Ami
File Size : 409 MB
Runtime : 10 min 13 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Massive Mammaried MILF Workmates Stay Late in the Office - Hobbled & Hoodwinked by Their Colleagues Pantyhose!.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BDSMmania_Winter Flynn... The Product Tester pt 1

Winter Flynn is a student in need of some extra money, so she decides to join a product testing group. When she arrives, she's greeted by Nyxon who lightly explains things to her. She tells Winter to strip out of her clothes, then she applies some rope to her. Nyxon finishes by putting a panel gag into Winter's mouth, then steps out of the room to observe how she moves in the ropes. This clip mostly shows the onscreen tie & gagging with a few minutes of struggling at the end. This clip is for all of you who complain that I don't show enough onscreen ties.

Featuring: Nyxon, Winter Flynn
File Size : 1.12 GB
Runtime : 10 min 37 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Winter Flynn... The Product Tester pt 1.mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

BDSMmania_Winter Flynn... The Product Tester pt 2

Part two finds Winter still struggling on the couch. She makes her way down to the floor, and Nyxon walks in to finish up the test. She removes Winter's panel gag & replaces it with a harness ballgag. She rolls Winter onto her stomach & pulls her into a back arching hogtie causing Winter to groan through her gag. For one last finishing touch to the test, Nyxon grabs the Hitachi & teases Winter with it while she moans through her gag & cums.

Featuring: Nyxon, Winter Flynn
File Size : 897 MB
Runtime : 8 min 18 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4


Winter Flynn... The Product Tester pt 2.mp4