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For The Scat Lovers - Dirty Shitting, Shit Eating, Toilet Play [SOLO]


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Feb 4, 2021
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JosslynKane - Smearing For My Work Colleague

Description: Custom video request
You�re a sexy businesswoman (white button down blouse, pencil skirt, stockings, high heels), and you�re taking a break from work with me in the break room. You�ve had a crush on me since you started working here, but now that we�re alone in the break room, you finally let me know. Your nervousness makes you have to poop though, but you don�t poop yet (if you can fart a bit here, that would be great, but I know it can be hard to fart on command, especially when holding in a shit). You get really embarrassed about having to poop after you finally admitted to me that you like me, but I assure you it�s okay, and I�d kind of like to see it.You�re a bit weirded out that I want to see this, but you have to poop so bad, you don�t care, as long as you poop. After you poop though, the embarrassment sets in a bit more. I say it�s okay if you want to play with it; at first you�re apprehensive because it�s gross, you�re in your work clothes, and you�re embarrassed doing it in front of your crush, but eventually you start rubbing it on your body. At first, I�d like to see you keep your blouse on, and just get a little bit of poop on it accidentally (maybe your poopy hands accidentally brush across it a couple times; I want you to save enough shit to cover as much of your body as possible�if you take a really huge load, feel free to get more on your blouse). Eventually you decide to take it off, and I encourage you to smear it up to your tits, and finally on your face. Whenever you smear it on a new part of your body, you�re apprehensive at first, but get into it once you start rubbing it in. I ask you how it tastes and you taste some from your fingers apprehensively (if you�re okay with doing that). I really want to see it on your pussy, tits, and face, and then whatever else depending on how much is left. If you have to poop again any time in the middle of smearing, I�d like to see you poop directly into your hands and smear it right on.At the end, you realize/talk about how there�s no way you can go back to work covered in shit, but you�re happy that you finally told me your feelings. You ask me on a date while covered in shit, and I say yes. You�re excited, and say you have to find a way to sneak out of the office while covered in shit so that you can go home and clean up for our date, and the video ends.

Genre: Scat
Cast: Josslyn Kane

FileExtension: mp4
FileSize: 1.64 GB
Duration: 00:23:06
Resolution: 1920x1080

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