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How to Fuck a Girl If She Doesnt Want to - Hypnosis


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Oct 24, 2022
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The Professor Her Magic Pendant Part Three

Time of Clip: 00:16:24 | Quality: FullHD | Video: 1920x1080 | File Size: 963 MB

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Tilly McReese Nyssa Nevers Kendra James - UHI The Exchange Student

Time of Clip: 00:22:49 | Quality: HD | Video: 1280x720 | File Size: 365 MB

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Velma Daphne Become Frozen Dolls - Mannequin Transformation Cosplay Parody

Time of Clip: 00:22:09 | Quality: SD | Video: 854x480 | File Size: 190 MB

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Oct 24, 2022
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Lauren Phillips (Batwoman Defeated, Disgraced, Unmasked XXX)

Batwoman is sitting in her office with her civilian outfit. Her computer buzzed.BATWOMAN: It's a bomb threat! This looks like a job for the Batwoman!She suited up her Batwoman outfit (A quick closes up with her gloves, boots and mask) and she left her office right after she is ready. She walked in the warehouse and look around for the bomb. After a quick search she located the bomb and the bomb is counting down. She defused the bomb very quickly.BATWOMAN: This is a too easy for me!Suddenly the bomb is shooting some gas on Batwoman. She choked on the gas and start feeling dizzy.BATWOMAN: Oh no. It's knock out gas.She hold her head with her hands and shakes her head to get a clear sign. She walked slowly and trying to leave the warehouse. A henchman shows up and trying to stop her from leaving.HENCHMAN: Batwoman! where do you think you are going?A fight scene between Henchman and Batwoman. Batwoman desperately tries to defeat the henchman, but she was too dizzy and missed her attacks. The henchman is taking full advantage and put some damage on her. Batwoman tries to defense herself, but her strength was worn and eventually overpowered by the henchman. Batwoman was and lying on the ground after the fight. The henchman examined her body suit and put a remote controlled vibrator inside her pussy and closed her suit after. He carries and ties her to a X-Poe/chair in another room of the warehouse. He takes out the remote and press the button. A rapidly vibrating sound comes from the heroine's crotch. Sometime later, close up on Batwoman's head.

Time of Clip: 01:00:51 | Quality: HD | Video: 1280x720 | File Size: 1.54 GB

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Oct 24, 2022
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Kenna James - Exhibitionist Stepdaughter Needs and Attitude Adjustment

Kenna has been hired as a new marketing assistant to Maxwell Lord. After watching a very special induction video Kenna stares blankly into space as Maxwell explains that each time she drinks his coffee she will be completely susceptable to his suggestions which include breaking up with her boyfriend, realizing she is sexually unsatisfied, knowing she can't resist her fantasies about Maxwell and more.

Time of Clip: 01:18:29 | Quality: HD | Video: 1280x720 | File Size: 938.4 MB

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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Alix Lynx - Supergirl Falls to the God of War

Under typical circumstances, Supergirl wouldn't waste her precious time on a museum robbery. But this was no ordinary museum robbery. Briefed by Wonder Woman on its importance and value, Supergirl hunts down a very unique antique warrior helmet. Finding it in the hands of the war profiteer Diemos, the superheroine is ready to make the recovery a quick ordeal. However, Wonder Woman was too vague in her briefing. Diemos knows more about the helmet than Supergirl, including its historical and mythological significance as the armor of Ares, the Greek God of War and Battlelust. Before Supergirl can grab the gear, Diemos places the helmet on his head. He couldn't be sure that the legends were true before, but with an otherworldly light, the villain finds himself transformed into the mighty Ares, strength and all. Supergirl may be powerful, but she's just no match for a god. And soon she finds herself on her knees before him.Already feeling violated and humiliated, Supergirl finds herself chained up at the mercy of Ares. The weaker the newly incarnated god can make the superheroine, the more she becomes just like any other woman, powerless and waiting to be used.As rest allows Supergirl to recover some of her strength, she manages to break free of her bondage. But the superheroine is stubborn. Before she is back at full strength, she pursues Ares who has only gotten more powerful in the interim. He no longer needs physical strength to control her. Ares can make her stop in her tracks, crawl on her hands and knees, and even spread her legs with just a verbal command.

Time of Clip: 00:54:17 | Quality: HD | Video: 1280x720 | File Size: 1.52 GB

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Oct 24, 2022
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Anna de Ville (Behavior Control Chip)

Anna has been reporting to the board of the directors for months, telling them that her colleague is incompetent and his projects are failures. He thought the two were friends, but she finds the thought laughable. His behavior modification chip for people with motor function disorders and injuries has been his passion, but she talks about his highly complex work as if it were a science fair baking soda volcano. Sick of being berated and having his project put down, he decides to make Anna his first human test subject. The chip takes instant control of Anna turning her into an obedient robot that follows all his commands. When he deactivates the chip she is furious and threatens to report him to the board of directors, he quickly activates the chip again and has robot Anna strip. Needing to test how the chip handles heightened emotional states he has her masturbate to orgasm, later using a vibrator. He then has her give him a blowjob, cumming in her mouth. Deactivating the chip, Anna angrily dismisses his suggestion to report the successful research progress to the board and instead threatens with calling the police, so he activates the chip again permanently. Robot Anna becomes his live in sex servant that he fucks in numerous positions.

Time of Clip: 00:54:05 | Quality: HD | Video: 1280x720 | File Size: 1.38 GB

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Oct 24, 2022
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Ashley Anderson - Under the Influence

Rion comforts his study partner with some home made special tea when he learns she's having issues with her boyfriend. Not knowing why she's feeling a connection with Rion, she continues to drink the tea. Eventually, she begins to find herself very comfortable with Rion.

Time of Clip: 00:30:17 | Quality: HD | Video: 1280x720 | File Size: 695.5 MB

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