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Natasha's Bedroom - Take The Virgin Pledge


Active member
Feb 4, 2021
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Today is a BIG day for you, virgin. It's the first day of the rest of your virgin life. And it will be a virgin life until the very end, because that's exactly the promise you'll make to me today. Join my virgin club. Take the perpetual virgin pledge. Swear off sex forever in devotion of me.
You don't need sex. You don't need pussy. All you need is to belong to my virgin club. No longer simply a virgin, but MY virgin.
Your eternal virginity won't be a fate you'll suffer through. I'm going to make you love every second of it, under my control and my command. Collecting virgins is one of my great pleasures. It gives me a big rush of excitement every time I add another virgin to my collection. Sometimes, when I'm having sex, I think about the dozens of virgin boys who are beating their pussy denied dicks to my clips at the very same moment.it's hilarious and hot at the same time.
Take the virgin pledge. Give up, and give in. Hand your virginity over to me forever.

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