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Private Scat Diarrhea Bundle And Toilet Slaves


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Feb 4, 2021
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SamanthaStarfish - Eating All I Can


Look at how sexy my ass is pushing out a nice big, moist load of shit! Oh it feels so good getting all that shit out of my poophole! It looks so tasty! I'm looking down at this big pile of poop and seeing how good it looks. It's so warm and it smells so good! I really want to taste it! I really want to eat it all! I want to scoop up my poop in my hand and put it all into my mouth! I want to chew it up and swallow it down! It turns me on so much to eat my shit! I'm going to see how much of this amazing poop I can eat!

Watch me put huge chunks of shit into my mouth! Watch me tasting my poop! Look at how I swallow down as much shit as I can! I know I can still only eat small pieces but I'm working my way up to eating an entire load of my hot, sexy shit! Check out this amazing eating video to see how much of my sexy shit I can eat!

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920x1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:10:32
File Size: 1.45 GB

Download Video:
SamanthaStarfish - Eating All I Can.part1
SamanthaStarfish - Eating All I Can.part2
SamanthaStarfish - Eating All I Can.part3
SamanthaStarfish - Eating All I Can.part4


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Feb 4, 2021
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Perverted games with cucumbers in asses


Unexpected idea of stuffing as many cucumbers as possible into the ass of slave-husband, turned into full-scale perverted games. Six cucumbers were carefully placed in his ass, and then there were large-scale games. I fucked him in ass with cucumber, fisted him in dirty ass, and couldn't resist taste cucumber right out of his ass. Fun turned into desire to also feel cucumber in the ass. I had a lot of fun and as result of such an unusual fuck in the ass, I wanted shitting. It was an unforgettable morning
1. Ass full of cucumbers, it's fun, delicious
Now I know for sure "Full of ass cucumbers" this is a real proven practice, very pleasant to the eye and not only. I took cucumbers and decided to check how many will fit in the ass my slave husband. Here is the first one entered, rather not even entered but flew in and hung out there freely, the second one settled next to him and fixed him in place. The third and fourth entered on either side. And finally the fifth already with difficulty pushing the walls of ass, expanding them to the maximum. Beautiful, green bouquet of cucumbers sticks out of his ass, it's wonderful. And since I'm got in this ass, I need fuck him. Cucumbers slide smoothly and easily in the ass back and forth. One of them popped out covered in shit. My slave again did not wash the ass for Mistress. Ass is slurping, shit is squeezing out, I'm excited by the sight and smell. I need to fisting this dirty, shitty ass fucked up. O, yes, how much shit immediately I squeezed out, I like it so much, I feel so good. I can't resist the sight and smell of it, I want to taste cucumber with shit on it. How unusual, what savory aftertaste, I will eat this cucumber in the shit and continue to fuck this ass with my fist. How I love fucking my slave husband in the ass with shit. I not be greedy and leave cucumbers with shit for my slave girl Maya for dinner when she comes
2. Cucumber in me, don't shit myself
Cucumber in my ass, cucumber in pussy, this is the first time in my practice. Pimply, they slide inside me, arouse, it's quite nice. Pressure in both holes. Fuck, how I want to shit. Thick stream of urine hits high. Slave recoiled from the surprise, how good, how fun. And I still want to shit. I'll take a shit on the floor. And then I want the slave to lick it and start eating it

Format: wmv
Resolution : 1920x1080
Audio : 161
Duration: 00:21:32
File Size: 1.51 GB

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Perverted games with cucumbers in asses.part1
Perverted games with cucumbers in asses.part2
Perverted games with cucumbers in asses.part3
Perverted games with cucumbers in asses.part4


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Feb 4, 2021
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LadyX - Shitting in a Sundress and Panties


After a baby shower I get home tipsy and ready to unload

Format: wmv
Resolution : 1920x1080
Audio : 161
Duration: 00:06:03
File Size: 471.85 MB

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LadyX - Shitting in a Sundress and Panties


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Feb 4, 2021
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GoddessTempest - My Best Shits 11


My Best Shits 11 brings you my best shitting scenes from my top seller toilet slavery videos. A whole 45 minutes of pure shitting into mouths & orgasmic pleasure. Very erotic compilation vid indeed. If there is one feeling in this world that I love more than anything else it's when I take gig and nasty shits right into people's mouths.

I'm not ashamed to admit it really turns me on to take a shit in another person's mouth. What I love even more is watching them eat while I masturbate, it makes me cum so hard! Watching someone chew and swallow my shit makes my orgasm last much longer.

This compilation video is of my best scenes shitting into people's mouths are brought to you compliments from my best seller videos:

BROKEN TOILET 46 - MESSY SCAT ENEMA" which is a Extremely CRUEL scat/diarrhea domination by enema. This video of mine is the most sadistic & cruel production I EVER made and it's NOT for the faint hearted. You have been WARNED!

I could feel thicker chunks of old shit from deep within my bowels moving downwards and this good feeling is so hard to describe but it turns you on like hell. Feeling those chunks of shit blocking the water flow out of your ass, your asshole suddenly expanding as those chunks shoot out into the slaves mouth with gushes of enema water smelling like raw sewage.
I started experiencing these little mini orgasms, the contractions helping to work some old shit deep within lose too. Soon the water turned into a brown sewage / diarrhea sludge with the most HORRIBLE smell!

Problem is NOW I'm on fire with constant little climax / orgasms pumping through my body. It must have tasted HORRIBLE as my slave started squirming and gagging, unable to keep up swallowing the constant flow of sewage like waste coming from my body.

My climaxes turned my into the cruelest most sadistic horny bitch as I dropped my asshole tight onto his open mouth and kept going. Giving into the most intense pleasure of diarrhea like bowel movement and climaxes I ever experienced. It just felt too good to show him mercy so I kept shitting doing a force feed swallow.

It was just too horrible in taste for him to keep up and the force of my shit sludge shot out so hard into his mouth and throat that it forced it's way up through his naval cavities. The convulsion feeling of my shit forcing it's way out of my ass into his mouth and out through his nose in between my ass cheeks just made my pleasure much more intense.

The way my muscles contract from the intense pleasure bares testimony to this. My almost painful like facial expressions as I let go and give into the pleasure coming from my own body. My vagina has never swollen to such a GIGANTIC size in my life!

I could barely remain standing afterwards and my mouth felt dry. It felt like I was on a cloud. Unthinkable that experiencing so much pleasure can drain you so much but I almost slept 10 hours afterwards!

"BROKEN TOILET 47 - PASSIONATE SHIT MUNCHER" where I show you will NEVER be respected by any women, much less beautiful women. All those beautiful women you see and admire. The are not interested in losers like you. But there is hope at least like you'll see in the video of a man passionately munching on my shit!

MAYBE if you're lucky she MIGHT be as kind as me. To allow you a view of her naked ass and letting you smell her stink hole. You should be honored you get to smell her ass stink and if you are worthy enough she may do what I did here. Let you lick my smelly ass. Because we like successful men, not fucking loser ass eaters like you!

I gave this poor loser the ultimate reward. I let him open his mouth wide and I took a big & nasty shit of multiple thick & creamy turds right into his mouth. As a beta male loser you should be thankful you get the opportunity to see a beautiful & successful woman's asshole open as the turd appear. The ultimate experience for you is licking her asshole and turd when this happens. It's a really pleasurable sensation.

It felt so good taking such a big shit in his mouth that I got horny. He was still chewing on the fourth turd when I sat down on his open mouth & face and started riding his face cowgirl style. He couldn't breathe but it's not really important is it? As my orgasm build I suddenly shit more, directly down his throat. His suffering and squirming sounds from the taste and lack of air made me had a great orgasm. During those final seconds of my orgasm contractions I pushed hard to enhance the pleasure and shit even MORE down his throat!

You see? You DO have a purpose for us beautiful women. You can be our shit eater to enhance our bowel movement pleasure and help us orgasm. True, we will NEVER love or respect you. After all no successful women will even consider dating a shit eater but at least you serve SOME purpose. So after she took a smelly shit in your mouth and came on your face from it she gets dressed and leave to be with her successful boyfriend / husband as we prefer proper men. As you lay there sad and lonely at least be thankful you got to taste her shit that came from HER perfect body. That is how my slave in the video cope with his fate on a day to day basis.

"BROKEN TOILET 48 - SHIT EAT ORGASM" My slave must be the luckiest toilet alive as you'll see in this video. Not only does he get to worship and kiss my perfect ass in my tight jeans. He also gets the opportunity to see my perfect little asshole open as my stinking piles of shit fills his mouth.
But it doesn't end there. Now he gets the most amazing experience of it all. He gets to eat my shit while I look down at him, laughing in his face while pleasuring myself. As he endures the taste of my shit while chewing & eating it he can look into my eyes and see the intense pleasure of my orgasms ripping through my perfect body.

It's great if you can look into a beautiful woman's eyes while eating her shit as she laugh and masturbate. Seeing her body contort in orgasmic pleasure as you endure the suffering of eating her stinking shit. I love watching people eat my shit and I'm not ashamed to say it.

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920x1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:46:27
File Size: 637.17 MB

Download Video:
GoddessTempest - My Best Shits 11.part1
GoddessTempest - My Best Shits 11.part2


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Feb 4, 2021
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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

GoddessValeria - Holy Shit Explosion


Valeria has to shit so bad, but shocks herself. She had to go so bad that her poo shots 4 feet out her
tight little ass, wow very dirty, very dirty. Of course she is a Goddess in her own right she had her
fucking piece of shit living toilet slave clean it up for her. Would you like to clean this stinky wet
shit up for her. Tell me what you would like to do with my shit, I promise i can fullfuill your every dirty stinky fantasy, shall we see. Check out the custom section to find out.

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920x1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:03:53
File Size: 183.42 MB

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GoddessValeria - Holy Shit Explosion


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Feb 4, 2021
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DirtyBetty - Royal Underground Scat Blowjob


New Incredible Premium Video, Crazy Couple Doing Real Smelly Destruction, Incredible Huge Smelly Hairy Female Butt Giving Out A Heap Of Fresh Flavored Warm Shit! Endless streams of soft but elastic smelly shit! The dick is already throbbing with pleasure, a strange but hot chick is already smearing tender shit right on the dick and her face! Her filthy hole continues to shrink and her mouth continues to swallow her filthy dick hungrily! Until he cums on her tongue .. for the third time in the night! Love incredibly exciting camera angles, great atmosphere, and truly endless huge, incredibly fat poop? This video is for you, immerse yourself in the world of dirty and hairy female asses, tons of fresh shit, and fragrant dicks! Dirty Shit Poop Scat Sucking Dirty Blowjob Throathfuck Smearing Shit on Face Dirty Shitty Titties Caviar and Scat Masturbation Hot Scat Girl with Huge Ass Pushing Pooping Long Big Huge Poop Smear on Dick

Format: mp4
Resolution : 3840x2160
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:09:43
File Size: 718 MB

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DirtyBetty - Royal Underground Scat Blowjob.part1
DirtyBetty - Royal Underground Scat Blowjob.part2


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Feb 4, 2021
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Feb 4, 2021
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DirtyBetty - Dirty Handjob with Creepy Scat Orc


Creepy, dark, dirty, and surreal video. You will have dirty sex with toilet games such as dirty handjob, smearing shit on the face and cock, sucking and licking dirty cock and pieces of fresh shit, peeing and drinking piss, facial cumshot and all this with a real . monster! Is this a man? Girl? The terrible creature does not take his eyes off and gives so much pleasure, the darkroom is filled with flashes of light, the aromas of shit and you see this predatory smile, it seems this beast caught you and now you together indulge in lustful fantasies in this strange place in the middle of the night noises of distant dimensions.

Format: mp4
Resolution : 3840x2160
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:06:17
File Size: 461.3 MB

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DirtyBetty - Dirty Handjob with Creepy Scat Orc


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Feb 4, 2021
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DirtyBetty - UpSideDown Secret Scat Projectile


Have you ever wanted to give a shit on your own face? Feel the fresh and warm shit slowly sliding off your face? Feel the tart smell of shit, and feel an incredible rush of excitement? In this video, piss and shit flows right into my own face, as well as some shit smearing and dirty masturbation! But how can I resist the crazy idea of using a secret trick and start throwing shitty snowballs? So I couldn't .. As always, a surreal atmosphere awaits you, a strange ambient in the background, a dirty shower that looks like space (well, it really looks like it) and, of course, a hot ass, a dirty and strange girl who can drown herself in endless heaps of fresh, warm and fragrant shit slowly creeping out of the tight and horny asshole! You will see: Dirty Bathroom Solo Scat Girl Play with Her Own Fresh Fragrant Huge Shitty Poopy Caviar Load Smearing Poop and Shit On Tits Face and Big Horny Sweet Ass Sucking and Licking Giant Pile of Stinky Shit Piss on Self Dirty Scat Masturbation Wet Pussy on Toilet Dirty Fetish Homemade Amateur Clip

Format: mp4
Resolution : 3840x2160
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:05:48
File Size: 428.43 MB

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DirtyBetty - UpSideDown Secret Scat Projectile


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Feb 4, 2021
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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

TrixieSquirts - Molly Shits on my Feet


Omg babe! You know how I've been wanting my girlfriend Molly to shit on me for some time now. well, I finally got up the courage to ask her. and she said yes!!! 🤩
We didn't exactly know when we would do it.. so we kinda let it go. Until, that is, all the family came over and overcrowded the house. We were in the backyard sunbathing, escaping the annoying adults inside.. when Molly realized she needed to take a shit.. there was no way to go inside that 1 tiny bathroom and stink up the whole place with all those judge mental family members around! Nope.. she started thinking.. then I popped the question, "will you shit on my feet now?" I was so nervous to ask! What if she were to say no? But alas! She smiled wide and said Yes! She dropped her shorts and turned her ass towards me. Excited, I gave her my foot and placed it below her spread pussy and asshole. So hot! I wait, anticipation building as the second roll by, then I feel the most delightful warm sensation on my leg streaming down my feet all the way to my toes! How how wonderful! Molly is Peeing on me!!! Omg it's so warm and refreshing! I switch legs, ohhhh yessss this is the best!! She soaks my feet and I splash a bit before seeing the tip of her shit start to crown in her asshole! Oh boy, what I've been craving for soooo long now.. since I first met her.. finally Molly is going to shit on my feet!!! Can you believe it?! Is this really happening? Oh boy, more is slowly being pushed out, oh what a delicious log that is! Uh oh, I tried to aim it to land on my foot but I missed! Damn, I really wanna feel how warm her shit is. Oh well, guess I have to step in it now! I lift my foot and excitedly squish my pink painted toes right in her fresh shit log!!! Yesss!!!! Oh my god this is what I've been craving for months!!! YES!!! I squish and squish, then switch feet, then both are stomping and squishing all up in her piss and shit! Oh wow it smells soooo good! I wanna get a better sniff.. I twist my leg and bring my foot up to my face and get a good whiff, yes her shit smells sooo good! I almost wanna taste it. I wonder what her shit would taste like?? 😝
After play time, I get to clean up! Whohoo! I love being a shit slut with my bestie Molly!!

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1080x1920
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:05:27
File Size: 594.82 MB

Download Video:
TrixieSquirts - Molly Shits on my Feet.part1
TrixieSquirts - Molly Shits on my Feet.part2


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Feb 4, 2021
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Thefartbabes - My Slave Is Ready


My slave is always ready to swallow my shit and to be used as my toilet slave.Do it ,right now - serve Your Goddess!

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920x1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:05:58
File Size: 383.44 MB

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Thefartbabes - My Slave Is Ready


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Feb 4, 2021
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Thefartbabes - Serve Your Poop Goddess


Come to me my slave and serve your poop Goddess! My wet pussy and huge shit are waiting for you!

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920x1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:04:42
File Size: 304.45 MB

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Thefartbabes - Serve Your Poop Goddess


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Feb 4, 2021
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Tasty dessert for you - Redberry - melon with kaviar


Beautiful Goddess Antonella is preparing you dessert cause you have been a good boy so she will feed you. Redberry & melon with shit, directly from her hot asshole. First, she will give you a long fart so you can feel the aroma. Dessert served, now!

Format: mp4
Resolution : 1920x1080
Audio : mp4a-40-2
Duration: 00:03:31
File Size: 714.27 MB

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Tasty dessert for you - Redberry - melon with kaviar.part1
Tasty dessert for you - Redberry - melon with kaviar.part2


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Feb 4, 2021
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ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Swallow with Pleassure you Toilet Pig

Format: wmv
Resolution : 1280x720
Audio : 161
Duration: 01:09:43
File Size: 2.05 GB

Download Video:
Swallow with Pleassure you Toilet Pig.part1
Swallow with Pleassure you Toilet Pig.part2
Swallow with Pleassure you Toilet Pig.part3
Swallow with Pleassure you Toilet Pig.part4
Swallow with Pleassure you Toilet Pig.part5


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Feb 4, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Special Use Toilet Part 6

Format: wmv
Resolution : 1440x1080
Audio : 161
Duration: 00:12:24
File Size: 461.66 MB

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Special Use Toilet Part 6