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Rachel Adams – I’ll just turn you into a girl and take your identity! Girl Next Door Bondage


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Feb 4, 2021
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This is another one of my stories involving fantasy magic. In this scene, Rachel has magic powers to transform herself into anyone she choses and transfer that person into her.

The story begins with Rachel making this man give her the codes to get into a top secret building. The man tells her that the codes will not help her because the location also uses Facial Recognition. Rachel explains to the man that she has the power to change herself into him with the snap of her fingers. The man laughs until she snaps her fingers. Suddenly the man turns into Rachel and her him. He begs Rachel to change him back. But Rachel needs to borrow his face for a few hours and she wants to make sure he stays put. Soon Rachel, now the man has the man, now Rachel struggling bound and gagged. There is only one glitch in Rachels plans. The transformation didn’t completely work and she still has her own voice. But that will be no problem since she doesn’t need to talk to anyone now that she has the codes and the right face to get what she needs. Before Rachel leave though, she makes the new Rachel more comfortable by putting her in a very strict hogtie and tying rope up between her legs for added pleasure. She assures the new Rachel she will enjoy things more if she pulls on the rope. She then covers her mouth and nose with another piece of cloth to muffle her more

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