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~Slaves&Masters|Hard extreme porn ~


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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme_Coral Aorta (Coral Captured )

We have Coral captured and enraptured. She is a beautiful girl with a love of bondage but some apprehensions about metal. The entire idea of being shackled by something cold, rigid and unyielding makes her the kind of nervous that we like to see. The kind of nervous that makes her panties wet and her defenses come down.
She won't back down, though. She said she is up for anything and she meant it. The bruises we leave on her prove that. But the fact that she feels an extra element of fear is easily detectable. It's in the little glances she makes around the room, the way she tries to hold her cries inside, and how she never once complains, no matter how rough we get with her.
Cane her, whip her, vibrate her; she will suffer through it all. She doesn't want to crumble. She wants us to think she is as tough as the iron used to bind her. She is going to have to prove it.

Genre: Vibrator, Torture, BDSM, Dildo, Humiliation, Gag, Bondage, Nipple Clamps
Country: USA
Cast: Coral Aorta

VideoQuality: HD
VideoFormat: MPEG-4
FileSize: 2.5 GB
Duration: 00:45:27
Resolution: 1280x720




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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme_Endza Adair (Cantilever Love)

A pathetic drooling mess. No matter how hot Endza Adair is, she'll always end up reduced to a pathetic, drooling, sobbing mess by the time O.T. is done with her. She doesn't want to be so turned on by the extreme corporal punishment and intense bondage that he puts her through, but she can't help herself.She is screaming through the black ball gag in her mouth, but she isn't even trying to form words anymore. She would be running away if her bondage didn't keep her in place so well. The metal shackles and chains let her shake and struggle, but they won't let her get away. The leather straps that hold her to the wooden and metal frame are more than enough to hold her steady while O.T. works her over with the whip.Orgasms are overwhelming after so much build up. She can't hold them in as the magic wand vibrates her clit furiously. She'd be crying if she wasn't so busy cumming, and while she would probably like to beg for mercy, all that she can manage to get out is a mixture of moans, screams, and cries of "Oh, God!"

Genre: BDSM, Humiliation, Torture

VideoQuality: HD
VideoFormat: MPEG-4
FileSize: 2.53 GB
Duration: 00:47:16
Resolution: 1280x720




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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme_Charlotte Sartre (Tilt-A-Girl )

Charlotte Sartre can forget about freedom for a while. Too sexy to let go of, this hot piece of ass is going to spend the day riding O.T.'s favorite device, the Tilt-A-Girl. A metal frame that can be locked into place, this device piece of work lets him flip his bitch upside down or send her spinning. Whenever he finds a position he likes he chocks the evil iron item and begins to work her over.Corporal punishment is probably the fastest way to a girl's heart, if she is a dedicated submissive like Charlotte. Gag her, beat her, and degrade her and you'll hardly have to work at all to get her off. Too much pleasure and pain overwhelm her senses. Charlotte is lost in subspace. Her eyes lose focus, most of her body goes numb. All she can feel is what O.T. wants her to. Bondage, pain, and a profound need to satisfy him.

Genre: Humiliation, BDSM, Torture
Cast: Charlotte Sartre (Tilt

VideoQuality: HD
VideoFormat: MPEG-4
FileSize: 2.64 GB
Duration: 00:49:52
Resolution: 1280x720




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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme_Electra Rayne (Master is Watching)

Electra Rayne is a good slave. When her Master orders her to a stranger's hotel room she's on time and dressed sexy. Master is watching her every move and telling her exactly how to please the stranger."Strip for him.""Crawl to him.""Get him off."After the stranger has dropped his load on her gyrating ass he's got a proposition for her. She's invited to a bondage party. She hesitates, but her Master is quick to correct her. In the box, in the hood, with handcuffs, she's taken away to a dungeon.She can't see where she is or who she's with. There's a new stranger and her Master is no longer talking to her. Her holes are violated and she's interrogated. On the spot she has no idea what to say. She's punished for every word.When it's time to give her an orgasm she's reluctant. She needs her Master's permission. What will she do?

Genre: Humiliation, BDSM, Torture

VideoQuality: HD
VideoFormat: MPEG-4
FileSize: 2.59 GB
Duration: 00:48:29
Resolution: 1280x720




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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Extreme_Freya French (French Twist)

Well, Freya French is going to have to tell us later which of our devious devices she considers the worst. We've got a lot for her to choose from, and she is going to get to sample quite a few.The adjustable metal collar is a good contender. It locks into an iron framework that allows us to raise or lower her ass, giving us unfettered access to her ass and pussy. From here we can cane her, flog her, whip her, or just vibrate her pussy until she eventually squirts all over the rough, wooden floor.The ass hook is pretty nice, too. A useful tool, the way it controls her movements is elegant in its simplicity. If she wants to wiggle her butt or shift her weight she can, but it will mean fucking her own ass with the cold, metal hook.But ultimately it is Mr. Pogo that most shames the lovely Freya. Being violated by the rubber dick on a stick, being made to cum through the pain and the humiliation, being punished for the way that her pussy squirts when she cums, it's all so degrading. The fact that it turns her on to be so harshly abused only reinforces her humiliation.

Genre: BDSM, Fingering, Humiliation, Dildo

VideoQuality: HD
VideoFormat: MPEG-4
FileSize: 2.81 GB
Duration: 00:52:56
Resolution: 1280x720




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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme_Delirious Hunter (Fetish Pup)

Delirous Hunter thought she was into fetishes. She showed up on OT's door step wearing some fancy leather collar and sporting an outfit that screams "FUCK ME!" The only problem is that she never found out what OT was into. He's got fetishes, too. They don't involve just holding her down and sticking his dick in, though. Where's the fun in that?Instead OT is going to enjoy Delirous in other ways. She'll be screaming for mercy, swearing that she isn't into it, but a quick check between her legs says otherwise. The pussy never lies. Delirious is wet, ready to receive, and it doesn't matter what words come out of her mouth, though. OT just has one thing he wants to hear. He'll stop with the whipping and caning when she agrees to stay with him as his slave. She doesn't take very much convincing.Her time with OT isn't her favorite. She's locked in a cage but he makes sure to take care of all of her needs. She may think that the time spent in metal bondage is the worst, but she is in for a few surprises when he finally lets her out. Her muscles are sore and stiff from her long time locked away. He's going to help her stretch, with a little help from the rack.

Genre: Bondage, BDSM, Humiliation

VideoQuality: HD
VideoFormat: MPEG-4
FileSize: 3.76 GB
Duration: 01:10:58
Resolution: 1280x720




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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme_Endza (Unauthorized Climax)

Endza should know better than to cum without permission. OT shouldn't have to tell her that things like that are unacceptable. She's shackled down, with her ass in the air. She just suffered a brutal caning. Her clit is clamped with weights. It should be obvious that she is the submissive slt, and a good submissive slt knows that she has to beg for permission, and wait until she receives it, before having an orgasm.
She'll learn the lesson, though. The caning was just for fun, the whipping will be for punishment. One foot on the floor and the other strung high into the air, Endza's pussy isn't just exposed, it is practically a painted target. It's begging to be snapped at with the whip. And after a few minutes of sharp stinging across her sensitive clit, Endza will be ready to do some begging of her own.

Genre: Humiliation, BDSM, Torture, Toys, Hardcore, Bondage
Cast: Endza

VideoQuality: HD
VideoFormat: MPEG-4
FileSize: 2.39 GB
Duration: 00:45:13
Resolution: 1280x720




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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme Peaches

Perhaps this is the manner in which she saves herself. Because all that she senses outside of herself is nothingness. So she goes to him. His use of her makes her solid, heavy, like bodies are intended to be heavy, and how souls contain infinite mass. His brutal management of her breasts encourages her out of her unnatural sleep. Pain is a voice of the spirit rousing itself. Ropes grow luminous in a mind gone dim. Flogging rectifies balance, each strike conspicuous, bright points like Christmas lights strung about her limbs. He decorates her like a tree. He dangles her from her stretched, aching breasts as though she is a dark angel. He walls her into her soft, supple flesh and tastes her like a vintner tests wine. Made manifest on the eve of her destruction, the birthing of her body is more about difficulty than ease. And in her weightless condition of diseased dreams, she must be brought back to herself by the use of extremes. Ropes and straps binding her ankles, knees, wrists, arms, and neck are neither reality nor sleep. The prying open of her mouth with hooks and the compression of her breasts between metallic rungs, anchor her in the realm of the living because of dread and excitement, the electricities of flesh. And pain, that corrective stress, infuses her with breath. As she hangs upon her racked breasts, helpless, bound hand and foot, she calculates the weight of desire. She does not experience relief, only the dead find that. For her, it is dark ecstasy and vague preternatural stirrings, the emergence of life.

Format: mp4
Size: 1.02 GB
Duration: 01:11:09





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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme_soulincontrol, its lily - Painful Clit Play

This video is all about Lily's little clit. Watch her reactions on a split screen while I pinch, poke, paintbrush, and drip hot wax on her most sensitive spot.

Genre: Torture, Wax Play, Close Up
Country: USA
Cast: soulincontrol, its_lily

VideoQuality: 4K UHD
VideoFormat: MPEG-4
FileSize: 2.48 GB
Duration: 00:17:23
Resolution: 3840x2160





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BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Extreme 120 - I Hate Bugs (remastered) [720p]

Description: 120 hates bugs. PD loves bugs. PD begins by introducing 120 to the spiders in his basement. She is spread-eagled on a mattress, affixed to a pipe structure, with the spiders hanging overhead. Next, 120 meets the flies in PD�s barn. She can�t shoo them off when she�s attached to one of the barn walls or tied to a ladder. What would a visit to the Farm be without being tied to a tree in the woods? PD does not disappoint and does just that, leaving the mosquitoes to taste her exposed body.
Towards the end of the video PD has a little sexual intercourse with her, she sucks him a little and he raped her vagina not for a long time.
Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 2.74 GB
Duration: 01:15:57

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Extreme_ 120 - I Hate Bugs (Remastered) [720p].mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme 1030 & 123 - Friends (remastered) [2160p]

Description: I'm here for a nude photo shoot, some shit involving bondage, spanking, beatings.
Um, I went through a couple of years of college. Major anything interesting? I wanted to be a psychologist, but that didn't work out very well.
I like to bartender. I went to school for bartending, some bartender, occasional dancer, occasional model.
A girlfriend of mine actually did some work for you. And she told me that I would probably be a very good candidate for some reason.
Talk about what happened to her and what she did.
I was speechless at first. But she said that you work with everybody's different needs, fears, wants. That everybody was different, so nobody was treated the same.
So how would you describe what we do here in your own words?
Exciting, scared.
As a result, she got what she came to this place for
She was tied up and some dildos visited her pussy and She got a lot of different sensations!:))

Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 1.11 GB
Duration: 00:31:23

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Extreme_ 1030 & 123 - Friends (Remastered) [2160p].mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme 411 - Leeches (remastered) [1080p]

Description: The critters in this case were 50 hungry leeches. All i can say now is i'm soooo glad it's over and all 51 of us came out alive.
This was the hardest shoot i've done--submerged in the cold (yes, COLD) water, i was completely isolated and at the mercy of the frisky, blood-thirsty creatures. It was one of the few moments i have felt truly terrified in a scene. Though logically i knew the setup was safe, i could not help but dwell on the fact that there is no safewording on a leech. And those little buggers don't mess around. Guess where they headed? Straight for the crotch! And all i could do was wail through my breathing tube and try not to panic as i felt the sting of their microscopic teeth pierce through my soft tissue. It...um...sucked (i know, stupid joke).
But seriously, it was an intense, crazy shoot hopefully with some good end results. i think the leeches, at least are satisfied!

Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 1.74 GB
Duration: 00:48:47

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Extreme_ 411 - Leeches (Remastered) [1080p].mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme Angelica, 411 & Piglet - Dairy (remastered) [1080p]

Description: The farmer leads in the last of his stock and checks his herd for the night. All four are locked into metal containment. Crickets chirp. Girls moan. Oh the country life. By morning, a fog has settled. Muffled cries can be heard. Then a strange sight emerges. A wooden cross is the central element. A four-by-four juts out from the leg of the cross. The edge of the four-by-four is turned upward and Angelica sits on it, her legs spread so that it cuts into her crotch. She is locked into metal stocks. Her ankles are shackled and chained upward to either end of the stocks. From there, on both sides, the chain is fed upward through pulleys then downward, attaching to the breast bondage of two girls, 411 and Piglet. Their arms are bound behind their backs. They have wooden bits bound into their mouths. Both of them are standing on tiptoes, the three girls counterbalancing one another. Now the farmer leads his cows up to pasture. They follow in a line, chained neck to neck. A wooden beam is tied to Angelica so that it swings back and forth between her legs, rubbing her pussy. Moonshine and 411 both have four-by-fours bound to their arms, holding them straight outward. Piglet�s arms are bound behind her back.
Piglet hangs in a very small cage, folded up tightly on her knees. She is led to the milking station and chained in place. The milking tubes suck onto her nipples. The pump, whoosh, pump, whoosh of the milker beats time as her nipples are milked. Mr. Pogo fucks her mouth. Then Pogo plunges into her cunt amid her cries, a mixture of pleasure and distress. A milky froth collects around the opening to her vagina. The vibrator is used on her. A tube is removed from her tit and sucked onto her clit. The inner sleeve opens and closes over her distended pussy. The marks from the rim of the tube form a superior ring above her nipple. She no longer has tits. Piglet has teats. When she comes, she squeals.
Piglet is bent over the platform, her torso chained to the apparatus. A bar is lowered over the small of her back and locked down. Her neck is chained down and her arms bound behind her back. Her feet are spread and shackled to either side. A spider gag goes in her mouth. He brings in the milker, a stainless steel canister with a pump and tubes that attach to teats, in this case, tits. Piglet�s breasts droop downward, He wets the areolas and lifts the tubes into place. They suck on. Her nipples are drawn down into the tubes. The milker sets up a rhythm, pump, whoosh, pump, whoosh. The inner sleeves of the tubes collapse and re-inflate as she is milked. A hook penetrates her asshole. She is vibrated to orgasm. Afterward, a milking tube is taken from a tit and suctioned onto her pussy. Her clit is pulled into the mouth of the tube . Piglet crawls back to the barnyard. Angelica�s head is all that we see of her, locked into place at ground level. Piglet is ordered to piss on Angelica�s head. 411 is milked next. The tubes suck onto tit after tit. When the tube is applied to pussy, the suction slurps at it, sucking the clit deep into the throat of the tube. Moonshine pees during her milking, her teats plumped out by the milker. Asen Angelica is milked, 411 is brought in, her arms bound back in a leather sleeve. She wears a black hood and a shiny black ribbed dildo. Angelica is fucked in time with the rhythm of the milker. Fuck, suck, fuck, suck. Outside, the dairy farmer takes a break, pissing into a funnel. It drains onto Moonshine, locked into her metal box. Angelica is brought to the funnel and told to piss also. Urine drips onto Moonshine, running down the rocks of the wall.All four girls are bound tightly in different positions on the floor of the barn. Wooden bits have been tied into every mouth. Angelica, bound tightly into a ball, cries from the pain of the bondage. Piglet rests on her bulbous breasts, flattening them. The girls moan and sigh and writhe, their cries echoing through the barn. Strings of drool drip. Moonshine�s labial jewelry gleams between the backs of her thighs. Urine erupts, running down her leg. They try to help one another get out, but it only appears to cause more suffering. The last shot is of three girls that have been squished into one metal box, a squirming mass of girl meat. The doors are closed and locked. They�re bedded down for the night.
Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 2.31 GB
Duration: 01:05:56

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Extreme_ Angelica, 411 & Piglet - Dairy (Remastered) [1080p].mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme Calico - Shocked (remastered) [2160p]

Description: CALICO's cable-tied, bagged, dragged into the basement, and humiliated as PD trains her to be his dog. Shackled to the floor of the basement, she has to stay in the doggy position.
Disorientation is one of the most difficult feelings. Putting someone in a position where they cannot see their own body and cannot touch their own face is very disorienting. CALICO is just a body and just a head. What a sexy body and beautiful head.
She can't see what is about to happen to her body. She has to wait, feel it, process it, and recognize that it's pain. It's so much worse than pain all on it's own.
The dusty old mattress. It's seen a lot of pussy in it's time. What's one more? CALICO is strapped down, latex hooded, and her breath is restricted.
Her slit and asshole are perfectly exposed for use. So inviting.
Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 1.97 GB
Duration: 00:58:07

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Extreme_ Calico - Shocked (Remastered) [2160p].mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Extreme Catherine De Sade - Piss Bucket (remastered) [1080p]

Description: She came through the studio door primed and ready. She even choose her nom DE plume as the signature statement for what she craved. �CATHERINE DE SaDE�
I�m ready. I have a few choice pieces that she will have a riDE in. The first is the �throne� crafted out of Hemlock pine. Its composition is iDEal for hand tools and I wanted to build with only mortise, tenons, pegs, and wedges for joinery. As a theatrical requirement this allowed it to be completely disassembled for transport.
She is lead to the throne with her head tightly laced in a hand crafted leather hood with only nose holes. This will increase the excitement that she craves. CATHERINE loves to scene and does not want to know what is coming. She can always signal a stop � but I don�t recall her ever doing so. A real enthusiast is a DEep challenge for a handler, especially layered with the recording process.
Fortunately these cleaver hand crafted DEvices will offer great support.
On the throne the shackles grip her ankles tightly. She will not be able to close her legs. For those areas that are not accessible the throne is lined with sharp pegs that will enhance her squirm.
She waits. After a couple of hours of abandonment in the throne she will crave any attention.
It begins � shots of the single tail on her exposed pubes.
The trust and intimacy that well played BDSM scenes offer is beyond all accolaDEs.
Many come back for more.
Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 2.36 GB
Duration: 01:06:04

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Extreme_ Catherine De Sade - Piss Bucket (Remastered) [1080p].mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme Claire Adams - In The Hole I (remastered) [720p]

Description: There's something truly horrifying about not being able to see one of your body parts.
Claire is laying on the cold floor of the barn. Her hand is trapped on the other side of the boards.
She stirs as her captor enters. Sister Dee wants to put a medical cuff on Claire's other wrist. Claire resists.
Dee has no time for Claire's defiance and quickly puts an end to it by punishing her hand from below.
PD tests Dee's work. He has Claire suck on a black dildo while SD fucks her with a strap on.
That's not enough though. They take turns caning her and Claire just sobs.
The scene is so beautiful Sister Dee steals a kiss from Claire's tear stained face.

Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 1.95 GB
Duration: 00:36:38

DOWNLOAD: FileJoker:

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Extreme_ Claire Adams - IN THE HOLE I (Remastered) [720p].mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme Erika Kole - Body Bag Fuck (remastered) [1080p]

Description: To control the breath is to control the entire person. Every thought, movement, and emotion everything becomes focused on one thing only. Air.
In his mind, she's really not even a she. It's an object, black, zipped into latex with a bubblehead. Only her lips can be seen. This is how you know it's human. By the lips. He hoists up this black body-like object by the ankles. An inflatable gag plugs that single opening, the one through which we see her lips. Her breath wheezes in and out through a small tube. Moisture condenses. Drool slowly obstructs her one link with the outer world. A vibrator's zipped into the latex bag, humming against her pussy. She comes. Alone.
She's naked now. We can see she's a she, her ankles spread wide. He whips her back and ass, wrapping the tip of the whip toward her pussy and cunt. Then he turns her over and whips her other side. She comes very quickly when she's fucked with Mr. Pogo. He intensifies the position and plunges his hand in her cunt. The cunt sucks at him, trying to pull him in. She comes again.
Now seated, U-bolts lock down her thighs. A metal band tight around her waist matches the Garrote at her throat, keeping her plastered to the post. Mr. Pogo fucks her mouth, then her ass. As the vibrator purrs in her pussy, she begs to come. Afterward, her pussy's open and loose, unfurled.
Vacuum tubes suck her breasts, distending her nipples. Her vacuumed pussy grows huge and bright red. After facing a sadistic and twisted PD, Erica's happy and playful, wagging her tongue at world.

Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 1.63 GB
Duration: 00:45:29

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Extreme_ Erika Kole - Body Bag Fuck (Remastered) [1080p].mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme Gabrielle - Hate Me (remastered) [2160p]

Description: Gabrielle fell in PD's hands of man who will torture her.
He will tie her up, limit her air consumption and put a vibrator against her pussy.
Electricity will make her twitch!:))
Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 1.66 GB
Duration: 00:47:03

DOWNLOAD: FileJoker:

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Extreme_ Gabrielle - Hate Me (Remastered) [2160p].mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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Extreme Pinky - Pinky (remastered) [2160p]

Description: She has chosen the screen name "PINKY". We'll see how pink she is. She's as cute as a button, smiling and bubbly.
Let's take that pretty head out of the game for an opening. Cuff her hands to a waist chain. And set off her fashionable vintage saddle shoes with cuffed ankles. The trope is she has been waiting at the pillar box for a few hours.The old man lurches right for the legs. Running his hands along the smooth creamy pegs he ends up at the crease.
The hands have to be taken out of play. He unhooks the waist chain and puts it around her neck. Pulls the hands up and locks them high at the neck.
She's excited, willing and naive. He decides to put a vibrator in the gash and pulls her panties up behind her. He turns on the buzz and walks away while she stews. With a suitable wait he now approaches her with a cane in hand.
The conditioning begins: while she moans and squirms with the motor between her stubbly mons; he stings her legs with the cane. A mix of pleasure and pain in the smothering hot box she is well on her way for the trip of a lifetime.
She comes back many times.
Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 1.49 GB
Duration: 00:43:49

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Extreme_ Pinky - Pinky (Remastered) [2160p].mp4


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Feb 19, 2021
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BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Extreme Tyler - Mudpit (remastered) [1080p]

Description: The mud had coated her, flowing across her neck and head. He hauled her out of the sucking mud, revealing her face hole, and sticky clumps matted in her hair.
Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Humiliation, Torture

Format: mp4
Size: 746.44 MB
Duration: 00:12:49

DOWNLOAD: FileJoker:

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Extreme_ Tyler - MUDPIT (Remastered) [1080p].mp4