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Sniff My Socks Farts and Eat My Shit

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
Staff member
Feb 4, 2021
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DOWNLOAD LINK : https://mixdrop.co/f/zpov1jv9iorv01

Ugh, I’m need to blow off some steam by toying with my helpless slave. I have his mouth and I’m going to fart on him lots, but I’m actually planning on going even further than that. I start off by torturing him with the smell of my socks. My sock stench infiltrates his lungs and makes him struggle and gag. He is already trying to resist so much but has no idea about the smells he is about to take in. Turning around, I place my asshole right on his nose. My slave helplessly awaits as I lower my asshole over his face. He can see nothing as I release a lengthy, solid turd right on his face and I hear him begin to gag from the smell. This shit keeps coming though and covers a massive portion of his face completely. I go on pushing out the rest as I make fun of him and laugh at his terrible situation. Only a completely useless loser would be in his place, taking a hot girl’s dump on his face without any chance of escape. When I finish, I pick up the camera and show you what I’ve done for several minutes. You can see all the details in my shit on the suffering slave as he falls deeper into his inescapable role as my toilet.

The post Sniff My Socks Farts and Eat My Shit first appeared on Scat Website.

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