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Spanking | Spanked Young Ass Crying Out In Pain


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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Irresponsible behavior

Skylar has blown off a big commitment to her big step-sister, and isn't the least bit remorseful. Stevie has had enough of her irresponsible behavior and swiftly puts Skylar in her place. Scolding before pulling her across her lap, Stevie spanks Skylar long and hard, hoping it will have any effect on her behavior.

Featuring: Skylar Rose, Stevie Rose
File Size : 1 001 MB
Runtime : 10 min 33 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Lucy struggles to stay in position for a leathering to remember

'It's important that you can empathise with your customers,' Lottie Lalay tells sales executive Lucy Lauren as she measures a two-tailed leather tawse across her bare buttocks in Sales Targets. Lucy has to learn the effect of all the spanking implements: what better way than bent over a desk for a bare ass strapping! Cheek-rippling slow-mo replays!

Featuring: Lottie Lalay, Lucy Lauren
File Size : 237 MB
Runtime : 8 min 3 s
Resolution : 1280x720
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Do It Immediately - House Chores Ignored

Reyna had more important things on her mind when she was repeatedly reminded to do the dishes and clean up the kitchen. Waking up to ants on the counters, her angry step dad pulls her across his lap in the living room. The thick fabric of her red corduroy skirt protects her bottom from his big hand until he picks up a short heavy strap. The strap immediately burns through her skirt, wishing she had listened. Next the paddle blazes across her cheeks as she learns not to put off her chores.

Featuring: Reyna
File Size : 449 MB
Runtime : 14 min 25 s
Resolution : 1280x720
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Spank_Stripped and spanked over a punishment trestle - Essie Quinn in Detention Center

Stripped to a thong, bare breasts swinging, Essie Quinn is on the punishment frame for a decisive spanking from Zoe Page in Detention Center. Zoe hits hard and the effect on Essie's jiggling bare cheeks is amazing, as they bounce from every impact with a leather paddle. 'The sting was worse than I expected!' admits Essie. See the jiggle in slow-motion

Featuring: Essie Quinn, Zoe Page
File Size : 219 MB
Runtime : 7 min 26 s
Resolution : 1280x720
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_1st Graffiti Spanking

When Office Manager Iris Steele catches Lexi Holland ready to add graffiti to the building, she marches Lexi into the office. Iris gives Lexi a choice, she can let the police handle this matter, or Iris can dish out the discipline. Lexi agrees to take 4 separate spankings on this day, one for each time the cameras captured Lexi. But Lexi is surprised how hard Iris is capable of spanking her naked bottom, with her hand, and for the first spanking, a wooden Brat paddle. Lexi is left rubbing her sore bottom, waiting for the next round.

Featuring: Iris Steele, Lexi Holland
File Size : 773 MB
Runtime : 11 min 33 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Bratty Niece spanked and strapped

Auntie has put up with so much bratting and rude behavior over the long weekend but enough is enough. Amy has been showing her aunt Elizabeth such contempt, treating her like a housemaid, calling her by her first name, and doing nothing to help around the house, like it was a hotel. These are just some of the misdemeanors that Amy has exhibited... and this won't be tolerated any longer. Even during Amy's scolding, she shows no sign of remorse, what an absolute brat! She is taken over Elizabeth's strong lap and given a hard hand spanking across her bare bottom. She kicks and squirms, struggling to take her spanking but still shows no sign of being sorry so Aunt decides she should take the "Family Strap" and places Amy over the couch for this part of her long-overdue punishment. Now Amy starts to feel the enduring humiliation of having the feared, heavy leather implement licking her bare exposed bottom. Her bottom is sore and red by the time Auntie has finished with the sorry-looking niece, she will be treating everyone with far more respect from now on!

Featuring: Amy Fox, Miss Elizabeth
File Size : 1.18 GB
Runtime : 13 min 56 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_The Training Acedemy For Submissive Girls

Miss Scarlet teaches at a strict finishing academy for young ladies being tutored in the art of submission
Bella arrives late to her lesson and out of uniform as she has been away visiting friends. On entering Miss Scarlets study Bella immediately apologises. Miss Scarlet simply says 'Well, Bella you know quite well how we deal with lateness at the academy".
Without being prompted, Bella removes her jacket and steps forward bending over and grasping her
ankles without needing to be told ... Scarlet announces that she will administer 10 strokes for lateness
and 10 strokes for attending her lesson dressed incorrectly and that she will be using her senior cane ... ...

Featuring: Mistress Scarlet, Bella Bird
File Size : 1 012 MB
Runtime : 39 min 8 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Mistress Scarlet, Bella Bird - Spanking

Bella was sent home from over with her friend Susie, by her step-mother, for bad behaviour. Bella's behaviour was so bad that Susie's step-mother had to even spank her.
Scarlet is furious, Bella has embarrassed her by her rude behaviour. When Scarlet asks Bella about Susie's step-mother spanking her, Bella cheekily states that "It wasn't that hard".
Scarlet instructs Bella to remove her skirt and, taking her wrist, pulls her over her knee on the chair. Bella gets a long and hard spanking with Scarlet scolding her.
Scarlet lowers Bella's white cotton panties, so that they are stretched between her legs, and continues to spank her bare bottom.
When Bella starts to wriggle and kick her legs, Scarlet leg locks her, with her long stocking clad legs.
When finished spanking, Bella is told to stand and lean against the end on the bed, with her bottom out. Scarlet opens a drawer and takes out the dreaded leather strap.
"This is going to hurt, Bella. But, it has to." Scarlet inform Bella, before she straps her bottom.
Scarlet finishes with another painful spanking on Bella's strapped bottom and then leaves her, sniffling, to get ready for bed.

Featuring: Mistress Scarlet, Bella Bird
File Size : 551 MB
Runtime : 16 min 19 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Spank_Punished For Her Mistake

The Mistress of the House is dressed in blue silk pussy-bow blouse, leather waist cinches, leather trousers and over the knee suede, spiked heel, boots. She is sitting in a chair with a Canadian prison strap in her hand.
New maid, Bella, enters and informs the Mistress that she broke a china cup. Mistress informs her that she runs as strict household and that all mistakes and breakages result in punishment.
Mistress commands Bella to kneel and kiss her boots as an apology and to lower her tights for her punishment.
Mistress straps the Maid while she is on her hands and knees on the floor, before dragging her by her hair to kneel on a chair for a further strapping. Lastly, the maid is instructed to stand and hold the end of the four poster bed for her final strapping.
Satisfied Mistress dismisses the maid and instructs her to send in the next new maid that is waiting for her punishment.

Featuring: Mistress Scarlet, Bella Bird
File Size : 297 MB
Runtime : 12 min 31 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Hard Strapping One

Riley stole money from the company as has agreed to a severe punishment to stay out of jail. Riley is given a very stern strapping on her beautiful bare bottom. Watch it jump when the leather cracks down!

Featuring: Stevie Rose, Riley Laroux
File Size : 123 MB
Runtime : 4 min 4 s
Resolution : 1280x720
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Spoiled Heiress Strapped and Caned For Her Inheritance

Miss Bella arrives at the estate that she is expecting to inherit. She is dressed in a hat, cape and dark sunglasses and black dress and lingerie and stockings and high stiletto red heels. Miss Bella is very spoiled, with a rude and bratty attitude, and demands that she receives her large inheritance.
Miss Scarlet has been informed by the Trustees of the estate, that Miss Bella's attitude needs adjusting before she is allowed to sign for her money. Agreeing to their demands is the only way that Miss Bella will get anything, so she rudely agrees.
However, the attitude correction will involve Miss Bella receiving corporal punishment! 50 hard strokes of the prison strap and 30 strokes of the senior dragon cane on her bottom.
Miss Scarlet instructs Miss Bella to strip down to her lingerie and bend over the table for the first 25 stokes of the prisons strap. Miss Scarlet pulls Miss Bella's panties down before administering the stokes.
The panties are removed for the next 25, with Miss Bella positioned, in a wide-legged stance, kneeling on a bench.
The cane is administered again with Miss Bella bent over the stool, and then with Miss Bella holding her ankles.
The spoiled brat has been caned out of Miss Bella.
This film shows the strapping and caning strokes in full from 2 different angles. The wide angle (not colour corrected) is included at the end of the film.

Featuring: Mistress Scarlet, Bella Bird
File Size : 696 MB
Runtime : 28 min 27 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Spanking For The Maid

The maid is brushing the Lady of the House's hair, but is daydreaming and pull it. Furious, the Lady teaches the Maid a lesson, and grabs her hair and tells her she is getting punished. The lady has been suspecting that the Maid has been flirting with her husband so this gives a perfect excuse. ...

Featuring: Miss Scarlet, Bella Bird
File Size : 344 MB
Runtime : 11 min 55 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Reporting For Her Evening Punishment

Schoolgirl Bella reports to Miss Scarlets office for her evening punishment.
Bella is wearing her school uniform: white blouse, blue pinafore, white knee socks and shoes.
Miss Scarlet in is a beautiful skirt suit, stockings, heels and pearls.
Bella is to be disciplined for a number of offences: failure to hand in her homework, missing class and being out of school without permission.
Miss Scarlet explains that she will be punished for each misdemeanor.
Bella is first spanked over Miss Scarlets lap, initially a spanking over her knickers, but after the knickers are taken down for a bare bottom spanking.
With her knickers still around her knees, Bella is instructed to lean over the desk to receive another spanking with Miss Scarlet paddle. Bella moans but takes her punishment like a good girl.
Miss Scarlet tells Bella to stand up and explains that she will now receive 20 strokes of her strap, for the last misdemeanour, being off the school bounds without permission.
Bella leans over the chaise longe and counts out each stroke of the strap as it is administered.
Miss Scarlet dismisses Bella and returns to her work.

Featuring: Miss Scarlet, Bella Bird
File Size : 493 MB
Runtime : 18 min 33 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Spank_Policewoman Punishes The Spoiled Brat

A rich bratty girl has been caught speeding and expects to get off with a small fine. However, the police officer informs her of a recent law change, and that she is going to receive 36 strokes of the cane.
The girl is instructed to strip, and the police officer delights in telling her how painful the punishment is going to be and how sore her striped bottom will feel, while groping her.
The naked girl lies face down on the wooden punishment table and the officer buckles the cuffs onto her wrists and ankles and ties them to the table with rope. The girls bottom is elevated with a cushion.
The officer administers there first dozen strokes with a thin dragon cane, stopping her bottom and making her cry out with pain.
The girl is then told that the remaining strokes will be with the senior smoked dragon cane. The strokes are administered in groups of 12, with the officer checking her bottom after each group.
The bratty girl has been humiliated and put in her place by the punishment, and promises to never speed again.

Featuring: Miss Scarlet, Bella Bird
File Size : 430 MB
Runtime : 20 min 7 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Ass, Breast and Pussy Punishment

This is a severe all-over-body punishment custom film, where Bella has her ass, breasts and pussy punished and bruised. Filmed in the cellar of the Highland Manor House.
Mistress Scarlet is dressed in black lingerie, black hold up stockings and black stiletto heels. Bella is wearing nude lingerie.
Bella has been misbehaving and is told to strip off for punishment. Mistress Scarlet first inspects her for marks, examining her breasts, pussy, and ass.
First, Bella is to be strapped and is fastened into cuffs that are attached to a suspension bar, and her ankles are attached to a spreader bar.
Mistress Scarlet attaches nipple clamps to Bella's nipples and then administers 40 hard strokes with the leather strap on Bella's ass, while Bella cannot move. Bella's ass is bruised.
Next, Bella is to receive 40 severe strokes of the senior cane while on all fours on a table, with her ass high and still wearing her nipple clamps. Bella's ass is striped, bruised and cut at the end.
Then Bella's is attached back onto the suspension bar and the nipple clamps removed. Mistress Scarlet takes a multi-tailed leather whip and administers 30 very painful strokes on Bella's breasts. Bella could barely take the pain, and the tears are running down her face.
Before Mistress Scarlet is going to punish Bella's pussy, she decides to stretch and fist it. Bella lays on her back on the table and Mistress Scarlet stretches her pussy with her fingers, until her whole fist is inside Bella's pussy, while Bella is moaning loudly.
Once satisfied that her pussy is ready for punishment, Mistress Scarlet takes her leather tawse and instructs Bella to keep her legs open for punishment. Each stroke of the leather tawse on Bella's wide-open pussy is excruciating for her, and she cries, shouts, and swears. Bella endures 12 very painful strokes on her pussy.
Satisfied that Bella has received severe punishment, Mistress Scarlet has Bella stand with her hand on her head and bend over, while she inspects Bella's marks, cuts, and bruises.
The film has day 3 footage after the punishment with Bella displaying her marks and bruises.

Featuring: Mistress Scarlet, Bella Bird
File Size : 898 MB
Runtime : 40 min 47 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Coach Audrey Spanks Opal

Audrey has had enough of Opal's ridiculous behavior recently and calls the naughty cheerleader over to her place after the latest shenanigans at practice. Opal is scolded about her attitude, turning up late to practice and forgetting important routines when it matters. This can not continue but Opal sits there, smirking... thinking this is all a bit of a joke. However, Audrey has called this brat over so she can discipline the girl the best way she knows how... with a spanking! Opal goes over Audrey's lap for a swift leather paddling, before she can even work out what is happening, her bottom is being given a thorough working out! When her tight shorts are pulled down, poor Opal's bottom is a burning red. The paddling and scolding continue with Audrey using her hard hand to spank some sense into a now far more contrite Opal. She is one very sorry looking young lady when told to do some humiliating corner time, hands on her head, to think about her behavior in the future.

Featuring: Audrey Sugarsmak, Opal Skies
File Size : 790 MB
Runtime : 9 min 8 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Boss Canes Her Secretary Hard

Bella receives a phone call from her boss, Miss Scarlet, instructing her to come to her office. Miss Scarlet has discovered that Bella has been sending provocative images of herself to one of their clients and is furious.
Bella knows that this means that she will be getting caned, as after her past misdemeanour Miss Scarlet had made her sign an amended contract allowing her Miss Scarlet to cane Bella if there were any more breaches of rules.
Bella takes 10 strokes on her bottom kneeling on a stool, 10 standing leaning over the table, 10 strokes holding her ankles, 10 strokes kneeling on the stool with her hands on the floor and bottom in the air, and 10 strokes on her back on the sofa with her legs up. 50 strokes in total on her bottom.
Miss Scarlet decides to give her an extra six on the backs of her thighs before instructing her to stand, just wearing her lingerie, facing the wall to reflect.
Miss Scarlet wears a black pencil skirt, satin blouse and waist cinched, stockings and stiletto heels.
Bella wears office attire but is soon stripped to her Agent Provocateur lingerie and stocking and stiletto heels.
The clip show the two different camera angles in full for the majority of the cane strokes.
This is a custom clip, Bella took 100 more stokes than is shown here, but that is private to the customer. Contact us if you would like to commission your own.

Featuring: Miss Scarlet, Bella Bird
File Size : 602 MB
Runtime : 27 min 24 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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Spank_Boss Beats Her Feet

Bella sits her desk, in the boss's home office, with her shoes off and her feet on the desk. She is dressed in a satin pussy bow blouse, nude stockings, and a pencil skirt. Her red Louboutin heels are off and on the floor beside her.
The boss walks in and is disappointed that Bella has her feet up and is unprofessional. The boss takes her cane and canes Bella's feet, while on the desk, and gives her 12 hard stokes.
The boss notices that Bella is squirming on her chair and feels her to stand and lift up her skirt. The boss finds a butt plug in her ass. Furious, she tells her to striped naked and stand facing the wall, with her hands up and up on her tip toes. She makes her stand like that for 2 minutes.
Bella lies on her back on the floor with her feet up in the air and the boss, takes her shoes off and then straps Bella's soles with her strap. The boss straps hard multiple times, as well as using the strap on Bella's bare pussy.
The boss instructs Bella onto the desk with her ass in the air, spreading her ass wide apart with her hands. She takes Bella's red stiletto shoe and inserts the heel in her ass, instructing her to hold it there. The boss verbally humiliates Bella, and strokes her strap over the soles of her feet.
There is a pre and post filming interview with Miss Scarlet and Bella, discussing why Miss Scarlet has decided to punish Bella's feet and, afterwards, how Bella's feels about the punishment she has just received.

Featuring: Miss Scarlet, Bella Bird
File Size : 725 MB
Runtime : 31 min 2 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4




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Feb 19, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Spank_Bella Punished By Three Dommes

Mistress Scarlet has two friends visiting her dungeon. Saint Lawrence from The Netherlands and Mistress Charlyn from Edinburgh. To entertain them Mistress Scarlet calls for Bella, she and her friends will entertain themselves with her wonderful punishment slave.
All three Dommes are wearing leather. Bella is wearing a leather lingerie set and ankle boots.
Bella is put over the punishment bench, and each Mistress takes turns to spank her, with their hand, flogger and leather strap. Once Bella's bottom is warmed they each choose a cane. First they cane her lightly to warm up, 10 strokes from Saint Lawrence, 10 strokes from Mistress Charlyn and 10 strokes from Mistress Scarlet. Then the caning gets harder, and Saint Lawrence gives Bella another 20 strokes, 50 stokes in total.
The Dommes have been entertained by Bella.
This is a real play session in Mistress Scarlets dungeon, and filmed by her slave.

Featuring: Mistress Scarlet, Bella Bird, Saint Lawrence, Mistress Charlyn
File Size : 725 MB
Runtime : 20 min 13 s
Resolution : 1920x1080
Format video: MP4

