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History Repeats Part 2 of 2

Sister Skyler spanked Lizzie until she agreed to be more humble and never show disrespect towards her instructors again.
Once her spanking was over, Lizzie realized that her humiliations had just begun as she was made to kneel upon the couch upon which she was spanked as sister Skyler summoned members of the student council, of which Lizzie was a member, to come and document the punishment that had been administered.
00:10:25 | 900 Mb | 1920x1080 | mp4

Sister Skyler spanked Lizzie until she agreed to be more humble and never show disrespect towards her instructors again.
Once her spanking was over, Lizzie realized that her humiliations had just begun as she was made to kneel upon the couch upon which she was spanked as sister Skyler summoned members of the student council, of which Lizzie was a member, to come and document the punishment that had been administered.
00:10:25 | 900 Mb | 1920x1080 | mp4