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Toilet Fetish Dating Sites

Amanda Blake

www.copro.pw co-founder & scat findom babe
Staff member
Feb 4, 2021
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Scat Dating Sites
Here’s a list of the best scat dating sites on the Internet. I’ve done some research and found there are only two sites out there that aren’t full of shit (no pun intended) that you can rely on. The third option is real life dating which my blog is based on and you can read the tips on the home page as you see fit. I hope these sites bring you closer to finding a scat partner you can have an intimate love and / or scat play time with. Good luck!

ALT.com (Visit Alt Now!) – ALT has got to be one of the best places to find scat partners to play with. It’s the biggest and best fetish dating network that has people from all over the world. Chances are there’s always someone nearby who’s registered and gotten their free account too. They have very detailed and specific fetishes listed on their site so you have the best possible chance to make a real connection with someone. Join ALT Now!

AdultFriendFinder.com (Visit AFF Now!) – Adult Friend Finder – AFF – is surely another viable pick for finding specific women or men who are into scat play. It’s a similar site to ALT, but with even more singles. The difference is that Adult Friend Finder isn’t geared to fetishes, so you might have to approach women or men carefully about your intentions so you don’t scare them off with your taboo fetish request. Join Adult Friend Finder Now!

POF / CraigsList / Real Life Dating – If you’ve ever used any of the free dating services like POF, Craigslist or just dating in real life, you know the mix up of people are tremendously varying. You’ll never exactly know what you’re getting until you talk to these people in private. Even still, once you get to that point in the conversation, be prepared for any reaction when you tell them about your scat fetish.