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Chocolate Treat After Flogging With Cold Shower
Chocolate treat after flogging with cold shower. Today I had to experience several types of humiliation from my Mistresses. Usually entertainment with the slave included something one. I was doing what the girls wanted at the moment, and then I was providing them with my mouth so that they could use me as a toilet. However, today the fantasy of Victoria and Christina has shown itself in all its strength. I was whipped to the red stripeson my back. Then, I was obliged to kiss the girls' feet, and I received a large number of slaps in the face. Mistresses doused me with cold water. This softenedthe pain on my back from flogging, but created other unpleasant sensations for me. I became even wetter after Victoria has urinated on me by a huge amount of urine. I was lying, indeed, in a puddle. Finally, there came a moment which I had been waiting for a very long time throughout this meeting. Victoria and Christina decided to feed me food from their asses. I really like to eat shit from girls, but today it has become a strong test for me, because Christina and Victoria were very well prepared and gave a large amount of shit from their asses to my mouth. I did it, but some poops fell to the floor, so I had to carefully lick the floor with my tongue. The girls left, leaving me alone, wet and soiled in shit. Despite everything, I am happy that I served and gave pleasure to two beautiful Mistresses.
Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery
File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:21:31, 1.84 GB
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