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Toilet stories of pervert female shit slaves


Feb 15, 2021
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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Chocolate Treat After Flogging With Cold Shower

Chocolate treat after flogging with cold shower. Today I had to experience several types of humiliation from my Mistresses. Usually entertainment with the slave included something one. I was doing what the girls wanted at the moment, and then I was providing them with my mouth so that they could use me as a toilet. However, today the fantasy of Victoria and Christina has shown itself in all its strength. I was whipped to the red stripeson my back. Then, I was obliged to kiss the girls' feet, and I received a large number of slaps in the face. Mistresses doused me with cold water. This softenedthe pain on my back from flogging, but created other unpleasant sensations for me. I became even wetter after Victoria has urinated on me by a huge amount of urine. I was lying, indeed, in a puddle. Finally, there came a moment which I had been waiting for a very long time throughout this meeting. Victoria and Christina decided to feed me food from their asses. I really like to eat shit from girls, but today it has become a strong test for me, because Christina and Victoria were very well prepared and gave a large amount of shit from their asses to my mouth. I did it, but some poops fell to the floor, so I had to carefully lick the floor with my tongue. The girls left, leaving me alone, wet and soiled in shit. Despite everything, I am happy that I served and gave pleasure to two beautiful Mistresses.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:21:31, 1.84 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Combat Girls Learn Self-Defense

Combat girls learn self-defense! Before the beginning of feeding, the girls decided to learn the basics of self-defense, in case they were attacked by a maniac and they could protect themselves! As a boxing pear, they used their toilet slave - they punched him in the chest, stomach and ribs and kicked them. Then the girls filled him with their shit and beat again!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:19:04, 1.09 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Crapping On The Bench

Crapping on the bench. Wonderful evening. Girls are in a very good mood. They decided to relax and play billiards. Before that, they were in a restaurant and had a hearty lunch. They knew that they wanted to go to the toilet in the evening. But they have become accustomed to the fact that they do not use an ordinary toilet. They have a slave who plays the role of a toilet. And so they took him with them.

Having played enough in billiards, girls decided to have fun with a slave. He should take care of the feet of the Mistresses.

And then he must fulfill his main mission. The mission for which the girls took him to the club. He should be their toilet, take the shit of each of the girls and eat it completely. Food from restaurant, taken from a girl's ass, is the best pleasure for a slave.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:35:30, 1.82 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Cruel Video

Cruel video! In this film there is a lot of cruelty - if you have a weak psyche please do not look!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 01:01:08, 1.92 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Delicious Diarrhea Dinner Of 3 Shit Dishes

Delicious diarrhea dinner of 3 shit dishes. Yana cooked for me a chic surprise - hot and delicious diarrhea! Christina yesterday densely ate with a friend in the restaurant and also tasted me well. Amina was constipated and I had to help her.

I think - if you serve 5 girls a day, you can do without traditional food! After all, after eating shit from 3 girls half a day you do not want to eat. I often think about switching to 100% food with female shit, but 3 girls - it's not enough and by the evening you really want to eat.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:54:28, 1.81 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Each Girl Has Their Own Individual Taste

Each girl has their own individual taste! Today I decided to relax well before the arrival of Christina: I drank whiskey while I waited for Christina, since I don't need to go to the city today and I planned to rest at home. It was 9 o'clock in the morning, Christina was driving to work and drove by to see me at the toilet. It's morning and Christina wants to use the toilet! I also decided to smoke a cigarette lying under Christine's ass and admiring her beauty, and Christina reads a magazine with food recipes and waits for me to finish smoking. She offers me: do you want to try something new, omelet in Italian from my ass?

Today, her shit was hard as clay and it was a lot and it, I said, always has a strong taste. I think - it's wrong to say - "disgusting taste" when we talk about the shit of a beautiful girl, so I use the word "strong taste". I had to strain my throat so fast I could swallow her shit. I tried not to chew, as his taste becomes stronger and better to swallow right away. Christina's sweet, morning voice ordered to swallow quickly! With me she feels comfortable, I think she does not feel the difference - to shit in the toilet at home, or to shit in my mouth. She tells that she ate a hamburger, porridge, pasta. These are useful products, but then why does it have such a terrible taste and smell - I thought. But this is temporary - I train very often and gradually I get used to their tastes and almost no longer feel like gagging. I hope that the day will come soon and I will serve Christina and other girls and enjoy the smells and tastes of female shit.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:13:53, 913 MB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Early Morning. Girls Want

Early morning. Girls want! This is an early morning for Christina, Lisa and Yana - they woke up and smell the morning feminine scent! They woke up and they want to shit! They are waiting for their dog to arrive. They are tired and their asses want to rip! Finally he arrived and the girls can relax! For him, the tests have not yet begun - he must take the stench and taste of girls into his body, through his mouth. It will be difficult, but he will do it 1000%, because he has no right to disappoint girls!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:17:14, 1010 MB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Eat Another Spoonful Of My Chocolate Cream

Eat another spoonful of my chocolate cream. Today Mrs. Christina and Victoria again invited me to serve them. They were very unhappy that I arrived late. For this, Mistresses had flogged me with a whip and I received slaps from them. I apologized to the girls and was ready to serve them as a toilet. Today it turned out to be a pleasant procedure for me. I like it when Mistress feeds me with a spoon herself , as if I were a small child. It is pleasant from the feeling of the Mistress' care for her slave. I had to hold a plate against the ass of each of the girls. I saw opening anus and the defecation process of each of the Mistresses. Christina and Victoria was shitting to the plate, and I was licking their asses . Then, Mistress Christina fed me from the plate. I had to eat very fast, because Christina was scooping up the shit with a spoon and bringing it to my mouth very quickly. The poop of the two girls was mixed together, the bitter taste of Christina's shit was mixed with the sweetish taste of Victoria's shit. Therefore, it was very difficult to eat. After eating, I licked a plate and thanked my Mistresses for the care that I received from them.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:12:10, 1.05 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Female Defecation Into Slaves Mouth After Bathing

Female defecation into slave's mouth after bathing. Cold fall. In inclement and rainy weather, there is nothing more pleasant than taking a hot bath and relaxing. Therefore, Mrs. Christina and Victoria decided to go to the sauna to soak up the warm steam and swim in the pool. To get more pleasure, the girls took with them two slaves - me and Bernar. We had to serve the girls, fulfill all their whims, entertain them and provide toilet services. Mistresses don't treat slaves as men, so they don't scruple to completely undress and conduct female conversations. I really like to serve girls in the sauna, because I have the opportunity to enjoy the view of beautiful female bodies, the view of their beautiful breasts and ass. However, at the same time, I have no right to all this as a man. Last evening, Christina and Victoria had a very good dinner, and in the morning they deliberately did not go to the toilet. They decided that they would poop in the sauna, into the mouth of a slave. Finally, this moment has come. Mistresses decided to use the toilet. I had laid down near the pool, and Christina's ass hung over my head. I drank her urine and opened my mouth to receive her shit. I did not even have time to blink when my mouth was filled to the brim with the bitter and stinky porridge from her ass. Swallowing this porridge was very difficult. Bernar also tasted this because he was licking Christina's ass after she filled my mouth. Then came the turn of Mistress Victoria. At first, she wetted whole my face with her urine. Then suddenly she farted with a loud sound. A warm breeze from her anus struck my nose, and I inhaled this divine smell. Very slowly her anus began to open and thick sausage of her shit began to come into my mouth. And then another .. And yet .. Victoria pooped for a very long time, but my mouth was full as a result. Victoria's shit was sweet, but it was hard to eat this, because it was solid. Mistresses were pleased with me and Bernar. They decided that they would always take slaves with them to the sauna.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:23:10, 1.83 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Banquet for a 3-course toilet slave

Yesterday my princesses used me again. Yana was the most smelly and sweet - she cooked for me a huge sticky and very sweet pile! The first treat I took from Christina - with a powerful fart she dumped my face to her shit, which I very quickly ate, because I love the taste of her shit! The second treat I received from Yana - her shit was thick and sticky, swallowing it was the most difficult since there was a lot of it, every time I swallowed a new portion my mouth immediately filled with a new one. Last meal I took from Amina - a small piece of hard shit and a large portion of urine, I did not want to drink so much urine, especially at the end, when I was filled with shit, but Amina wanted me to drink all of her urine. At the beginning of the video, the girls used my mouth to brush their feet - it was very pleasant to spend time with them - they laughed and talked about their women's affairs! I knew that at this moment they strongly want to shit and wait. After talking to the girls decided who will go to the toilet first, second and last.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:50:29, 1.63 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Christina again saddled me with her sweet ass

The day before the meeting, Kristina ate sauerkraut and sprats. From this her stomach was boiling and she often farted. She said she farts usually in the evening and at the moment of awakening. Yesterday she strongly wanted to shit, but suffered for the video. She saved this sweet pile for 2 days.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:18:46, 697 MB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Christina powerfully shit in my mouth after activated carbon tablets

Christina decided to clean the body of toxins, and I had to swallow everything that would come out of it after that. The taste of her shit was very unusual and it was harder to swallow than usual, but Christina made me swallow it all!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:11:49, 439 MB

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Feb 15, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Do a foot massage and eat our shit

It was great, but very difficult! Today I have to do 2 things at once - do an excellent foot massage to my beloved girls and at the same time eat their shit. It was difficult for me to simultaneously concentrate on two things at once, and I often forgot about foot massage when I was eating shit, but the girls constantly reminded me of that. Both girls today received the maximum service from me, 1 girl devastated her ass, and the other enjoyed a massage. Swallowing today was very difficult. The girls were simultaneously tearing me apart - they wanted a high-quality foot massage and a high-quality toilet. I almost vomited on Kristina, her shit always has a strong taste and a liquid consistency, but I concentrated and did this dirty business! It was very bad for me, I was sick, but I tolerated it, and the girls at that moment were laughing and enjoying the process.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:15:01, 1.07 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Double morning treat for the toilet slave

Today the girls were very generous and fed me with their delicacies. The first I was saddled by Christina, she powerfully furred her heap into my mouth and face and powerfully pressed me down with her elastic ass. The shit came into my nose and my eyes, but Christina saddled me to the end. After using, Christina washed me and gave it to Yana. Yana filled my mouth with a sour-sweet shit saddled me. In the end, Yana ordered to clean lick the remains of shit from her ass.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:25:11, 1.02 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Dream has become a reality

All his life he dreamed that a group of girls would constantly use him in the most vile way! This is the most disgusting and terrible (it is unimaginable - you need to be there and feel the smell, and these tastes break the taste buds of your tongue! But you need to feel it yourself - only then you will know what it is!) - Several times a week a group of girls uses your mouth as your personal toilet. They laugh at him, they despise him. For girls, he is not a man and they can not treat him as a man. His mouth is not the mouth of a person - it is a hole in the toilet! All girls have different tastes and smells, a live toilet takes it in itself, feeling tastes and smells by 1000%! It is impossible to love! - You can eat female shit at least 1000 times, but every time it will be a terrible shock for you, but you should always swallow and you should not experience gag reflexes - your feelings should not be shown to girls - you should endure and not annoy girls!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:31:16, 1.79 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Eat girls shit to the last piece

Weekend evening. The girls decided to relax, dance and have fun. For slave it is the high dream to serve the girls during a party. And the girls took him to a party.

All evening the slave was sitting near the toilet room and watched the girls dance, drink alcohol, relax and have fun. Excitedly, he waited for what would happen next. He waited for the girls to want the toilet.

But before that, the girls humiliated him. They showed him that he was not a man. They trampled his penis.

And then they made him eat their shit. It's hard to eat shit of 5 girls. But on the other hand, it is a reward. The highest reward is to eat the warm, smelling shit of a young beautiful girl. And he must eat it to the last piece.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:27:46, 1.60 GB

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Feb 15, 2021
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Feeding from panties on a sunny day

It was a very hot and sunny day +32 degrees. The girls were exhausted from the heat and wanted to shit. But first they play with their dog, they like to watch how she clumsily jumps for the ball. If the dog catches the ball, he gets a reward - she will be allowed to sniff the clean ass of the mistress! After the game, the slave is waiting for a feast - the girls fill their panties with hot and sweet shit! The slave is scared - his hands are shaking and he is sweating, because he knows he must eat everything.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:23:30, 1.34 GB

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