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Toilet stories of pervert female shit slaves


Feb 15, 2021
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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

Babe leaves mess on the kitchen floor

Watch an absolutely beautiful amateur babe take a nice load of poop, on her kitchen floor. Watch this sexy babe seduce you with her beautiful face, perfect body, tight asshole, and large shits! You will sure to love this shit show.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shite Eating, Shiteating, Efro, Poop Videos

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:03:24, 193 MB

Download Babe leaves mess on the kitchen floor from hotlink.cc


Feb 15, 2021
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Dirty babe smears shit and licks it

Watch a very beautiful kinky babe shit all over the bathroom floor, pick it up, worship it bit, smell it, lick it! Smear it all over her beautiful ass and shake it. This babe made the complete kinkiest dirties mess possible.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shite Eating, Shiteating, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:04:56, 275 MB

Download Dirty babe smears shit and licks it from hotlink.cc


Feb 15, 2021
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Sexy goddess enjoys smelling shit

Watch this pretty girl get turned on while shitting! I couldn't help but play with my pussy while shitting, I was just getting too turned on:,) also watch me hold my poop sniff and tease you with my large turds !

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shite Eating, Shiteating, Smearing

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:08:08, 136 MB

Download Sexy goddess enjoys smelling shit from hotlink.cc


Feb 15, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

4 Girls - Torment and Pleasure

Toilet slave got shit out of three women's panties. It was a very dirty toilet slave feeding - there was a lot of shit and a strong smell. First, the girls pooped in panties over my face. I could smell terrible and warm, but not taste. Then the girls took off their dirty shit-filled panties and began to feed me.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Smearing, Mistress

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:50:10, 1.72 GB

Download 4 Girls - Torment and Pleasure from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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3 Girls Powerfully Fed Me With Their Shit and Urine

3 girls powerfully fed me with their shit and urine. It was fantastically cool - Christina, Jana and Amina (Amina drank a laxative, because she was afraid that there would be constipation - I found out about this before the session) used me in turn. The first was Yana, she always had liquid shit, but there was a lot of it - she was well prepared! The second was Christina - her shit was less liquid and stronger to taste, it was more difficult to swallow. As always, Christina urged me hard, making me swallow faster, and at the end I drank a large portion of my beautiful urine. Amina went into the third room - her shit was the coolest - liquid, orange diarrhea - I saw this for the first time, at that moment it was difficult for me, but I could. So Amina has given me a large dose of urine.

I almost did not smell, but the tastes of the girls were very, very different, if I was with my eyes closed, I would easily recognize the girl to the taste of her shit. It was amazing to feel so many different flavors and know that I should swallow everything so that the girls were satisfied. It's cool to know that every next girl does not know what was before her and it does not bother her - her goal is to feed me her shit and leave this smelly room. Cool and scary when you do not know what a surprise for you prepared the next girl. At the time when one of the girls was in the room, the other two were in the corridor and chatted cheerfully and listened to music. Before the session, Amina drank 3 glasses of vodka to relax and smoked - she was worried because this is her first session. The girls had a great time! If a fourth girl had come into the room, it would have been fucking cool, but I do not know if I could .

I reviewed this video 3 times, I still can not believe that I did it - I served three very stinking and beautiful girls!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:22:21, 830 MB

Download 3 Girls Powerfully Fed Me With Their Shit and Urine from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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2 Mistresses Used a Toilet Slave

2 mistresses used a toilet slave. Today I served two girls at once! Christina was full of shit and urine, and Yana prepared badly and awarded me a small portion of diarrhea with secretions.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:09:50, 365 MB

Download 2 Mistresses Used a Toilet Slave from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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2 Mega Big Heaps of Shit from Princesses

2 mega big heaps of shit from princesses. Kristina and Yana were very well prepared this time - they accumulated large piles of shit! Yana went to visit her mother and ate a lot, her shit contained a large number of grains that clogged her teeth. And Cristina's shit was sticky and with a strong taste (as usual). It was a difficult swallowing. The girls were very persistent and very smelly. The girls were happy to see the feeding table that I did!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:37:51, 1.06 GB

Download 2 Mega Big Heaps of Shit from Princesses from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

2 Slaves vs 2 Mistresses. Sport Competitions

2 slaves VS 2 mistresses. Sport competitions! It was a hot competition, every girl wanted to win and tried to get the most out of her slave. At first, the girls threw dice, the dropped out figure determined the number of blows to the face of slaves. When the girls played enough, they also chose slaves for themselves with the help of the bone - even and odd numbers determined which slave Christina would serve and which Victoria would serve. I wanted to serve Christina, but Christina went to Mark, I was for Victoria's toilet. The girls put chairs on us and two gorgeous butt hung over us, out of the corner of my eye I saw Christine's ass and envied Mark. Kristina shit powerfully with farting, I immediately felt a strong smell of Christina's shit, it is liquid and immediately starts to smell strongly. At the same time, I sympathized with Mark. Finally, the girls finished shit and began to feed us. Shit Victoria was like plasticine, but had a sweet taste. I swallowed through great torment, sometimes it seemed to me that I would vomit again. The girls sat on us and because of this swallowing was even more difficult. They laughed, had fun and were very demanding, since every lady wanted to win. Mark was also hard, but he is still a fresh slave and enjoys the strong smell and taste of beautiful girls.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:19:13, 1.50 GB

Download 2 Slaves vs 2 Mistresses. Sport Competitions from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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3 Mega Big Heaps. New Game for Girls

3 Mega big heaps. New game for girls! It was one of the coolest feedings - I was at the limit and took all the stink of girls! I came up with a new game for girls, which motivated them to save big heaps! According to the rules of the game, girls received additional monetary rewards for the amount of accumulated shit!

1 place + 40 $
2 place + 20 $
3 place 0 $

The third place was taken by Amina, she used me first. Her shit was not ordinary - hard with diarrhea, she was well prepared and ate a lot! From the very beginning, she strongly wanted to go to the toilet and fart. I love when girls fart in the process of preparing for the shootings - so I can feel in advance what is waiting for me, Christina too often farts before shooting!
The second place was taken by Christina. Her shit was bitter and tasted with peel. This night, Christina and Amina spent with their guys - I love when girls have sex with their guys, and then they come to me to throw off shit - nice when the girls who feed you live a full life, I hope when they get pregnant I'll continue to take their shit - this will be cool!
The first place was taken by Yana - she had the biggest and smelly pile! I do not like when Yana uses me last - by this time I have not enough strength, and her shit is very smelly and with a lot of bones. Yesterday she ate a lot of strawberries and bones crunched in my mouth during the re-chewing.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:51:50, 1.92 GB

Download 3 Mega Big Heaps. New Game for Girls from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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3 Sweet Diarrhea in Panties

3 sweet diarrhea in panties. When I saw that all the princesses had diarrhea, I was upset that I chose this scenario, since I love taking diarrhea from the anus! Many delicious diarrhea remained on the ass girls and panties. It was one of the most enjoyable dishes! Priludiya was very pleasant - the girls shit in panties right in front of my face and I could smell the shit of every girl - this greatly inflames the appetite before feeding.

This video I shot on Saturday. Christina called me when they were 5 kilometers away from me. Usually girls called me when they ordered a taxi. I quickly washed myself (it was 10am), bit a salad (it's hard to swallow an empty stomach, you need to eat a little and drink alcohol to relax - when you know that three girls are coming to you who want to shit and you have to eat everything :). Christina was unhappy with the script because she had to close contact with the shit, in the video you can see how evil she is! ?

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Groups/Couples, Panty/Jean Pooping, Poop Videos, Scat, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:17:50, 767 MB

Download 3 Sweet Diarrhea in Panties from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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2 Girls Used Live Toilet in Woods

2 girls used live toilet in woods. A new toilet slave flew to us from another country. He wanted to serve as a toilet for Christina and Lisa in the forest! We came to the forest on the river bank, in the afternoon there is no one here. The girls used it 100%!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:16:20, 724 MB

Download 2 Girls Used Live Toilet in Woods from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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3 Unimaginably Sweet Girls and Me

3 unimaginably sweet girls! And me. Today I met again with my favorite girls Christina, Yana and Karina. I love meeting girls after the weekend - these days they are relaxing with their boyfriends, eating a lot of different foods, visiting a restaurant or visiting their parents! Today I asked the girls to put on sportswear - as if students are using me after a gym class!

We agreed - I have to eat everything - this is my desire! Karina decided to use me first - her shit had an excellent structure and moderate hardness, he had to chew hard and it was difficult, very difficult! Yana and Kristina had a lot of fun and laughed while I was suffering under Karina's ass, the girls suffered for a long time and each waited in turn. Finally, Karina finished her dirty work and Christina joyfully covered me with her young ass and immediately with a juicy and loud sound, a large portion of soft (not liquid) shit filled my mouth, the sound was amazingly beautiful. At that moment I felt the taste and realized that much greater difficulties await me! It was soft and had a strong smell. Christina says - yesterday I drank alcohol! You can see how hard I tried and how much I suffered, in the middle of feeding I felt that tears were flowing - I felt ashamed that Christina saw it, but Christina was laughing and rejoicing - she always laughs when she feeds me. With great difficulty, I served Christina. The next task was too much for me - Yana. A stream of warm and very liquid (oily) diarrhea flowed into my mouth and I immediately realized that this was the end - I broke down! I tried to swallow and Yana tried for a long time and waited for me to be able to. I took 2 big sips, but the shit immediately came out of me like a fountain, at such moments I regret doing this, but then when the girls leave, I regret that I didn't swallow it when I had the opportunity ..

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:23:08, 1.49 GB

Download 3 Unimaginably Sweet Girls and Me from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

6 Girlish Portions

6 girlish portions. Secretly from his wife, he serves the hens. He is very tormented, it is difficult and disgusting for him, but he loves it! The girls harshly beat him in the face, spit in his mouth and humiliated him. Then they treated him with their tastes and smells!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:32:12, 1.39 GB

Download 6 Girlish Portions from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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Shit and Piss Party

At first Lisa came into the room. This time, she was keen to shit, since we agreed that she would tolerate 2 days! She peed in my mouth for a long time, then she put a hard piece of shit in my mouth and continued to piss, I had to chew the crap at the same time and swallow urine. In the process, I felt a strong smell of her female genitalia - it was delicious! Lisa put all her shit in my mouth and ordered me to swallow it while she was smoking a cigarette. Yana fed me with liquid shit and female discharge. Christina, powerfully with a fart poured into my mouth my sweet shit and a large portion of urine. This time the girls did not regret urine - I like to drink urine, but this time it was very much!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Toilet Slaveryxx

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:41:30, 1.61 GB

Download Shit and Piss Party from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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100% Handmade Multifunctional Toilet Slave

100% handmade! Multifunctional toilet slave! Girls do not like to dirty their hands when they visit the toilet, they do not want to smell their shit and see it. Today the girls said - you have to do all the work yourself, our shit is your concern!

First, the girls ordered the slave to take off his pants and show his little dick. Girls are very amused by the size of the toilet slave's penis - they have never seen a penis of that size and it is funny to them that people live with such small things and even have sex. For girls, he is not a male person, he is a toilet designed for the most delicate women's affairs. At first, girls dominate and kick a slave in the balls, and then use him for the dirtiest women's affairs ..

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, roups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1920 • 1080, 00:20:32, 1.32 GB

Download 100% Handmade Multifunctional Toilet Slave from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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6 Girls. Shit in the Pot

6 girls. Shit in the pot! Feeding from the pot is the most comfortable for the girl - the girl sitting on the pot does not smell! The smell is completely closed in the pot! When the girl gets out of the pot there is a strong smell, but the girl at this moment moves away. It is time for the toilet slave to work - he comes to the pot and feels a strong smell and knows that he should eat it! Eating from a pot or a plate is one of the most difficult to eat, as the slave feels a strong smell and sees the female shit in front of him. All girls have very different tastes and smells, so for a slave - this is a surprise every time. In the process of feeding the girls stood nearby. You can see with what deep contempt the girls looked at him - for them, he is the lowest creature: an animal, a thing, a toilet.

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:37:42, 1.87 GB

Download 6 Girls. Shit in the Pot from fboom.me


Feb 15, 2021
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TRIBUTE PAYMENTS for our Toilet Fetish Sites and Scat Porn Forums to keep them online:

BTC: 16AGvSpQnFD2QgByffSYzkG6G8kjBnXhxA

ETH: 0x2a2077DE878B34117668004A3E3Df3fA9B95C03D

BCH: qqufn2wrlaj3mpldhtrqmlezclevlw36fuqp98hghv

5 Girls Raped Me. Part 3. Yana

5 girls raped me. Part 3. Yana. This day has come! - For the first time in my life I was raped by 5 girls - it was scary. They went into the room one by one. I did not have time to rest. From the last forces I was serving the girl and she went away and the next full force and a little drunk girl came in the room - before the session they drank alcohol to relax! I love when some drunk girls use me!

Caviar, Poop, Scat, Shit, Shit Eating, Shiteating, Desperation, Farting, Groups/Couples, Pee, Poop Videos, Scat, Smearing, Toilet Slavery

File : mp4, 1280 • 720, 00:09:34, 273 MB

Download 5 Girls Raped Me. Part 3. Yana from fboom.me