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Brutalmaster - SufferBunny - BUcket of Piss

The bucket of piss was about 6 hours old old. It was, in a word, disgusting. It sat in the corner where she had been using it all night.
She was not allowed to use the toilet, of course.
As he was unchaining her, she said, "I feel like I need some real degradation, can you pour that bucket of piss over my head?"
A few minutes later, she was covered in her own rank urine. Degradation complete. That was the start of the day.
This would have been called Bucket of Pain, or something like that if not for SufferBunny's intense need to suffer like a true bitch. She is a piece of meat who craves the most intense abuse - lucky (unlucky?) for her she is in HELL! where there is no end to the possible suffering for such a piece of meat.
After being used as a piss repository, the cunt is strunt up in the studio where she is bullwhipped and regarded for your amusement.
Enjoy the cunt and her suffering.
00:23:12 | 3.11 GB | 1920x1080 | MP4

The bucket of piss was about 6 hours old old. It was, in a word, disgusting. It sat in the corner where she had been using it all night.
She was not allowed to use the toilet, of course.
As he was unchaining her, she said, "I feel like I need some real degradation, can you pour that bucket of piss over my head?"
A few minutes later, she was covered in her own rank urine. Degradation complete. That was the start of the day.
This would have been called Bucket of Pain, or something like that if not for SufferBunny's intense need to suffer like a true bitch. She is a piece of meat who craves the most intense abuse - lucky (unlucky?) for her she is in HELL! where there is no end to the possible suffering for such a piece of meat.
After being used as a piss repository, the cunt is strunt up in the studio where she is bullwhipped and regarded for your amusement.
Enjoy the cunt and her suffering.
00:23:12 | 3.11 GB | 1920x1080 | MP4