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Umiliati & Offesi – Il fidanzato in collant The boyfriend in pantyhose 2


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Feb 4, 2021
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I am at the house of my step-aunt, Eleonore, I often go to visit her because only with her I can live my most secret and exciting fantasies. My step-aunt knows that i’m a fetishist, how i love pantyhose and foot sniffing. She has always allowed me, since I was a little boy she made me worship her feet and allowed me to kiss, lick and smell between her toes. She wears black pantyhose, my favorite ones and I go crazy. My step-aunt then orders me to wear her pantyhose and urges me to continue with the worship of her feet, but just as I lick her feet while she gives me directions on how to do it, Eve, my girlfriend, comes in. She is incredulous seeing the scene, realizes how perverted I am and she is shocked to see me licking and worshiping my step-aunt’s feet. She asks me what the fuck is going on and why I’m there on my knees in front of my step-aunt. She is disgusted and begins to insult me. Eleonore explains that this is my nature, that I have loved feet since I was a boy and that she, being her step-nephew, has always tried to satisfy me. My girlfriend does not take it well … she sees that I am wearing pantyhose and this only increases the discomfort … my step-aunt tries to calm her down, and indeed… makes her sit next to her and shows her how attracted i’m to her feet and pantyhose . Eve went from being shocked to being intrigued, and seeing how I adore my step-aunt’s feet, she decides to offer me her soles too and so I find myself on my knees, in front of them doing my best to satisfy them… eventually seeing how horny I’m, they allow me to rub their pantyhose and masturbate by cumming on their feet, then I’ll clean it up with my tongue.

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